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OCaml Users and Developers Workshop 2011

Paris, France


This event will take place in Paris. The venue is in Telecom ParisTech (former ENST, the place of the first OCaml Meeting).

Questions and contact

If you have any queries or suggestions for the workshop, please contact Didier Remy ( or Anil Madhavapeddy (

15 Apr 2011

Workshop Date

Presentations (12) news and projects

Authors(s):Sylvain Le Gall

Compiling Ocaml bytecode to Javascript

Authors(s):Jérôme Vouillon

OCAPIC: programming PIC microcontrollers with Objective Caml

Authors(s):Benoît Vaugon, Philippe Wang

Developing Frama-C Plug-ins in OCaml

Authors(s):Julien Signoles

Client/server Web applications with Eliom

Authors(s):Vincent Balat


Authors(s):Anil Madhavapeddy

Using OCaml to generate 198,278 lines of C

Authors(s):Richard Jones

OCaml annual report

Authors(s):Xavier Leroy


Authors(s):Luc Maranget

The Eternal Solution for Memoisation: Ephemerons

Authors(s):François Bobot

OASIS-DB: a CPAN for OCaml

Authors(s):Sylvain Le Gall

Ideas for a Modern OCaml Web Portal

Authors(s):Ashish Agarwal

Conference Details

Program Committee