Parse a URI from String and Access Individual Parts using uri


Web Programming / URL and URI Processing / Parse a URI from String and Access Individual Parts

Opam Packages Used

  • uri Tested with version: 4.2.0 — Used libraries: uri


let uri_string =

In order to decompose a URI, we use Uri.of_string to convert a string into an Uri.t and use accessor functions.

let uri = Uri.of_string uri_string

let () =
  assert (Uri.scheme = Some "https");
  assert (Uri.user = Some "user");
  assert (Uri.password = Some "password");
  assert (Uri.userinfo = Some "user:password");
  assert ( uri = Some "");
  assert ( port = None);
  assert (Uri.path uri = "/search");
  assert (Uri.path_and_query uri;
          = "/search?param1=a,b&param2=d%C3%A9j%C3%A0%20");
  assert (Uri.query uri
          =  [("param1", ["a"; "b"]); ("param2", ["déjà "])] );
  assert (Uri.query_param uri "param1" = Some "a,b");
  assert (Uri.query_param uri "param2" = Some "déjà ");
  assert (Uri.query_param uri "param3" = None);
  assert (Uri.fragment uri = "anchor");

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