package OSCADml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Offsets and roundovers

open OCADml
open OSCADml

Draw a polygon and make a pointy scad from it to compare to our alterations.

let poly = Poly2.make V2.[ v (-4.) 0.; v 5. 3.; v 0. 7.; v 8. 7.; v 20. 20.; v 10. 0. ]

let pointy =
  Scad.of_poly2 poly
  |> Scad.extrude ~height:1.
  |> Scad.translate (v3 0. 0. (-0.5))
  |> Scad.color ~alpha:0.5 Color.Silver

Poly2.offset, and Path2.offset, are the point representation counterparts of Scad.offset, so they share the same semantics. For this example, we apply an negative (inward) circular offset.

let () =
  Poly2.offset ~mode:`Radius (-0.5) poly
  |> Scad.of_poly2
  |> Scad.extrude ~height:1.
  |> Scad.add pointy
  |> Scad.to_file "offset_poly.scad"

More fine-grained control over 2d and 3d path roundovers can be found in the Path2.Round and Path3.Round modules respectively. For this example, we'll use the Path2.Round.circles constructor to create our circular roundover specification with different radii assigned to each point of the input path Poly2.outer poly.

let shape_spec =
  let radii = [ 1.; 1.5; 0.1; 10.; 0.8; 10. ] in
  Path2.Round.circles ~kind:`Radius (List.combine (Poly2.outer poly) radii)

Then we'll apply our Path2.Round.t shape_spec with Path2.roundover, with fn segments per corner, and compare that to the original pointy shape.

let () =
  Scad.polygon (Path2.roundover ~fn:60 shape_spec)
  |> Scad.extrude ~height:1.
  |> Scad.add pointy
  |> Scad.to_file "circular_rounding.scad"

let () =
  let sq = Path3.square ~center:true (v2 2. 2.)
  and circ = Path3.(ztrans 2. @@ yrot (Float.pi /. 2.) @@ circle ~fn:32 3.) in
  Mesh.hull (List.append sq circ)
  |> Scad.of_mesh
  |> Scad.(add @@ ztrans 2. @@ sphere ~fn:64 1.1)
  |> Scad.to_file "test_hull_3d.scad"

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