package OSCADml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Bespoke Sweeps

open OCADml
open OSCADml

Sometimes one may need more control than what Path3.to_transforms (and by extension Mesh.path_extrude) provide. For instance, as demonstrated below with the wavey cylinder, when non-monotonic scaling throughout a sweep is desired. In those scenarios, generating/composing lists of Affine3.t by other means and giving those to Mesh.sweep is an option.

Flat Spiral

A plain, centred square with which to draw our spiral.

let square = Poly2.square ~center:true (v2 10. 10.)

A series of affine transformation matrices describing a spiral.

let transforms =
  let step = 0.001 in
  let f i =
    let t = Float.of_int i *. step in
        (axis_rotate (v3 0. 0. 1.) (t *. Float.pi *. 40.))
        (translate (v3 (10. +. (500. *. t)) 0. 0.)) )
  List.init (Int.of_float (1. /. step) + 1) f

Mesh.sweep applies each of the transforms to square in its original state, linking up each resulting loop of points with the next to form a mesh that we can convert into an OpenSCAD polyhedron.

let () = Scad.to_file "spiral.scad" @@ Scad.of_mesh @@ Mesh.sweep ~transforms square

Wavey Hollow Cylinder

let () =
  let r = 10.
  and h = 20.
  and s = 2.
  and step = 4.
  and rad d = d *. Float.pi /. 180. in
  let f i =
    let t = Float.of_int i *. step in
        (mul (rotate (v3 (rad 90.) 0. (rad t))) (translate (v3 r 0. 0.)))
        (scale (v3 1. (h +. (s *. Float.sin (rad (t *. 6.)))) 1.)) )
  Mesh.sweep ~transforms:(List.init ((360 / 4) + 1) f) (Poly2.square (v2 2. 1.))
  |> Scad.of_mesh
  |> Scad.to_file "wave_cylinder.scad"


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