package alba

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Basic Modules

module Module_types : sig ... end

Common module types like ANY, SORTABLE, ...

module Common : sig ... end

Immutable Data Types

module List : sig ... end
module Option : sig ... end

Optional values

module Finite_map : sig ... end
module Segmented_array : sig ... end

Monadic Data Types

module Monad : sig ... end

Mutable Data Types

module Array : sig ... end
module Vector : sig ... end

A mutable vector (like a C++ vector)

module Pool : sig ... end

An arrayed pool of elements of a certain type.


module Io : sig ... end
module Make_io : sig ... end

This module contains a minimal signature for an io module and a functor which converts a minimal implementation into a full implementation of an io module.

module Readable_printer : sig ... end

A readable printer is a structure you can issue print commands on and which returns a readable structure which can be read character by character.

module String_printer : sig ... end


module Character_parser : sig ... end
module Generic_parser : sig ... end

Pretty Printing

module Pretty_printer : sig ... end

Old modules (deprecated)

module Argument_parser : sig ... end

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