package fmlib_js

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

The javascript date object

The javascript date object is the number of milliseconds passed from 1.1.1970 UTC. The date object has no time zone. Its value of milliseconds is always since 1.1.1970 UTC.

All access functions (except for value) like day, hours, ... etc. return the values valid in the timezone of your system. I.e. hours (of_value 0.) does not return 0 but the hour in the timezone of your system at 1.1.1970 UTC.

If you have a date object d and want the day, hour, ... in another timezone which has offset0 to UTC you can do the following:

let d0 =
        ((Float.of_int (zone_offset d - offset0)) *. 60000)

Then day d0, hours d0, ... are the values in the desired timezone.

type t
val now : unit -> t

Construct a new date object at the current time.

val value : t -> float

The number of milliseconds passed since 1.1.1970 UTC.

val of_value : float -> t

of_value millis Construct a new date object pointing to 1.1.1970 UTC + ms milliseconds.

val zone_offset : t -> int

Timezone offset in minutes from UTC. Westward positive, eastward negative.

val add : float -> t -> t

add ms date Add ms milliseconds to the current time and return the new date object.

val make : int -> int -> int -> int -> int -> int -> int -> t

make year month day hour minute second millis Make a date object for the current time zone.

val day : t -> int

The day of the week.

sunday .. saturday ~> 0 .. 6

val date : t -> int

The date in the month starting with 1.

val month : t -> int

The month (1-12)

val year : t -> int

The year.

val hours : t -> int

The hour (0-23).

val minutes : t -> int

The minute (0-59).

val seconds : t -> int

The second (0-59).

val milliseconds : t -> int

The the millisecond (0-999).


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