package octez-libs

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

This module handles set of rules for log sections specific configurations. For instance, if one want enable section "node.context" at level debug, it would be written "node.context -> debug". The complete syntax is the following

a pattern is a <string> containing a "*"

<rules> := <rule> ; <rules> <rule> := (<pattern> ->)? <level>

A value of this form can be found in environment variables TEZOS_LOG and LWT_LOG.

exception Incorrect_log_rules_syntax
exception Incorrect_log_rules_not_a_level
exception Incorrect_log_rules_missing_pattern
exception Incorrect_log_rules_missing_level
type rules = (string * Tezos_event_logging.Internal_event.Level.t) list
val find_log_rules : string option -> string * string option

find_log_rules default checks above environment variables for set of rules

  • returns the origin (environment variable or config file) and value if found
  • returns the default given configuration otherwise
val parse_rules : string -> rules

parse_rules s parses the string s representing a set of rules


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