package apero-core

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type byte = Abytes.byte
type bigstring = Abytes.bigstring
type t
include Ordered.Comparable with type t := t
val compare : t -> t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val create : ?grow:int -> int -> t

create c allocates a new Abuf of capacity c.

val create_bytes : ?grow:int -> int -> t

create_bytes c allocates a new Abuf of bytes and of capacity c.

val create_bigstring : ?grow:int -> int -> t

create_bigstring c allocates a new Abuf of bigstring and of capacity c.

val from_abytes : Abytes.t -> t

from_abytes bs creates an Abuf by wrapping bs. The resulting Abuf writer position will be set to the capacity of bs.

val from_bytes : ?grow:int -> bytes -> t

from_bytes bs creates an Abuf by wrapping bs. The resulting Abuf writer position will be set to the length of bs.

val from_bigstring : ?grow:int -> bigstring -> t

from_bigstring bs creates an Abuf by wrapping bs. The resulting Abuf writer position will be set to the length of bs.

val duplicate : t -> t

duplicate buf Returns an Abuf which shares the whole region of buf. This operation involves NO COPY. Modifying the content of the returned buffer or of buf affects each other's content while they maintain separate positions and marks. This method does not modify the positions of buf.

val wrap : ?grow:int -> t list -> t

wrap bs creates an Abuf by wrapping the Abufs in the list bs. The capacity for the Abuf will be set to the sum of the readable_bytes of the Abufs in the list bs. This operation involves NO COPY. Modifying the content of the returned buffer or of buf affects each other's content while they maintain separate positions and marks.

val slice : int -> int -> t -> t

slice from len buf creates an Abuf that wraps the subregion of buffer buf of length len starting at index from. This operation involves NO COPY. Modifying the content of the returned buffer or of buf affects each other's content while they maintain separate positions and marks. The resulting buffer is not expandable. It's reader position and writer position are respectively set to 0 and len.

val capacity : t -> int

capacity buf returns the number of bytes (octets) the buffer buf can contain.

val clear : t -> unit

clear buf sets the reader position and writer position of buf to 0.

val compact : int -> t -> unit

compact buf moves the current content of the buffer so that the first byte starts at r_pos = 0.

val r_pos : t -> int

r_pos buf returns the reader position of buf.

val set_r_pos : int -> t -> unit

set_r_pos p buf sets the reader position of buf to r.

val mark_r_pos : t -> unit

mark_r_pos buf marks the current reader position in the buffer buf.

val reset_r_pos : t -> unit

reset_r_pos buf resets the reader position of buf to the marked position. The marked reader position is initially set to 0.

val w_pos : t -> int

w_pos buf returns the writer position of buf.

val set_w_pos : int -> t -> unit

set_w_pos p buf sets the writer position of buf to p.

val mark_w_pos : t -> unit

mark_w_pos buf marks the current writer position in the buffer buf.

val reset_w_pos : t -> unit

reset_w_pos buf resets the writer position of buf to the marked position. The marked writer position is initially set to 0.

val readable : t -> bool

readable buf returns true if and only if ((w_pos buf) - (r_pos buf)) is greater than 0.

val readable_bytes : t -> int

readable_bytes buf returns the number of readable bytes of buf which is equal to ((w_pos buf) - (r_pos buf)).

val writable : t -> bool

writable buf returns true if and only if ((capacity buf) - (w_pos buf)) is greater than 0.

val writable_bytes : t -> int

writable_bytes buf returns the number of writable bytes of buf which is equal to ((capacity buf) - (w_pos buf)).

val skip : int -> t -> unit

skip n buf increases the reader position by n in buf.

val read_byte : t -> byte

read_byte buf gets a byte from buf at reader position and increases the reader position by 1 in buf.

val read_bytes : int -> t -> bytes

read_bytes n buf gets n bytes from buf at reader position and increases the reader position by n in buf.

val read_abytes : int -> t -> Abytes.t

read_abytes n buf gets n bytes from buf at reader position and increases the reader position by n in buf.

val read_bigstring : int -> t -> bigstring

read_bigstring n buf gets n bytes from buf at reader position and increases the reader position by n in buf.

val read_buf : int -> t -> t

read_bytes n buf gets n bytes from buf at reader position and increases the reader position by n in buf.

val get_byte : at:int -> t -> byte

get_byte ~at buf gets a byte from buf at index at.

val get_bytes : at:int -> int -> t -> bytes

get_bytes ~at n buf gets n bytes from buf at index at.

val get_abytes : at:int -> int -> t -> Abytes.t

get_abytes ~at n buf gets n bytes from buf at index at.

val get_bigstring : at:int -> int -> t -> bigstring

get_bigstring ~at n buf gets n bytes from buf at index at.

val get_buf : at:int -> int -> t -> t

get_bytes ~at n buf gets n bytes from buf at index at.

val write_byte : byte -> t -> unit

write_byte b buf sets the byte b in buf at writer position and increases the writer position by 1 in buf.

val write_bytes : bytes -> t -> unit

write_bytes bs buf sets the bytes bs in buf at writer position and increases the writer position by (length bs) in buf.

val write_abytes : Abytes.t -> t -> unit

write_abytes bs buf sets the bytes bs in buf at writer position and increases the writer position by (length bs) in buf.

val write_bigstring : bigstring -> t -> unit

write_bigstring bs buf sets the bytes bs in buf at writer position and increases the writer position by (length bs) in buf.

val write_buf : t -> t -> unit

write_buf bs buf sets the bytes bs in buf at writer position and increases the writer position by (readable_bytes bs) in buf.

val set_byte : byte -> at:int -> t -> unit

set_byte b ~at buf sets the byte b in buf at index at.

val set_bytes : bytes -> at:int -> t -> unit

set_bytes bs ~at buf sets the bytes bs in buf at index at.

val set_abytes : Abytes.t -> at:int -> t -> unit

set_abytes bs ~at buf sets the bytes bs in buf at index at.

val set_bigstring : bigstring -> at:int -> t -> unit

set_bigstring bs ~at buf sets the bytes bs in buf at index at.

val set_buf : t -> at:int -> t -> unit

set_buf bs ~at buf sets the bytes bs in buf at index at.

val blit : src:t -> src_idx:int -> dst:t -> dst_idx:int -> len:int -> unit

blit ~src ~src_idx ~dst ~dst_idx ~len copies len bytes from src at index src_idx to dst at index dst_idx.

val blit_from_bytes : src:bytes -> src_idx:int -> dst:t -> dst_idx:int -> len:int -> unit

blit_from_bytes ~src ~src_idx ~dst ~dst_idx ~len copies len bytes from src at index src_idx to dst at index dst_idx.

val blit_to_bytes : src:t -> src_idx:int -> dst:bytes -> dst_idx:int -> len:int -> unit

blit_to_bytes ~src ~src_idx ~dst ~dst_idx ~len copies len bytes from src at index src_idx to dst at index dst_idx.

val blit_from_bigstring : src:bigstring -> src_idx:int -> dst:t -> dst_idx:int -> len:int -> unit

blit_from_bigstring ~src ~src_idx ~dst ~dst_idx ~len copies len bytes from src at index src_idx to dst at index dst_idx.

val blit_to_bigstring : src:t -> src_idx:int -> dst:bigstring -> dst_idx:int -> len:int -> unit

blit_to_bigstring ~src ~src_idx ~dst ~dst_idx ~len copies len bytes from src at index src_idx to dst at index dst_idx.

val blit_from_abytes : src:Abytes.t -> src_idx:int -> dst:t -> dst_idx:int -> len:int -> unit

blit_from_abytes ~src ~src_idx ~dst ~dst_idx ~len copies len bytes from src at index src_idx to dst at index dst_idx.

val blit_to_abytes : src:t -> src_idx:int -> dst:Abytes.t -> dst_idx:int -> len:int -> unit

blit_to_abytes ~src ~src_idx ~dst ~dst_idx ~len copies len bytes from src at index src_idx to dst at index dst_idx.

val to_io_vecs : idx:int -> len:int -> append_bytes:('a -> bytes -> int -> int -> unit) -> append_bigarray:('a -> bigstring -> int -> int -> unit) -> 'a -> t -> unit
val hexdump : ?separator:string -> t -> string

hexdump buf returns an hexadecimal representation of the bytes in buffer buf from index 0 to writer position.

val to_string : t -> string

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