package async_extended

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Additional utilities for async


Dune Dependency






  • Added Pipe.create_reader, which is like Pipe.init, but has different behavior w.r.t. f raising. It forces the caller to choose the behavior on raise to avoid subtle bugs related to closing the reading end. The comment recommends ~close_on_exception:false.

    val create_reader : close_on_exception:bool -> ('a Writer.t -> unit Deferred.t) -> 'a Reader.t

    Pipe.init_reader was renamed to Pipe.create_writer so that the names are consistent. Its behaviour was not changed: it also closes the pipe if f raises, but here this is probably what you want, so that the writer is notified that the reader is dead.

    Changed Pipe.of_sequence, which is implemented with create_reader, to use ~close_on_exception:false. This seems like an improvement, because it won't treat raising as end of sequence.

    Changed Pipe.unfold, which is implemented with create_reader, to use the ~close_on_exception:false. This shouldn't be a problem, because unfold is barely used. And it was never specified what f raising means. It seems fine to not treat raising as end-of-sequence, because unfold already has a way to express end-of-sequence.

    Here's some more explanation of motivation for the change. In the current world, Pipe.init looks like this:

    let init f = let r, w = create () in don't_wait_for (Monitor.protect (fun () -> f w) ~finally:(fun () -> close w; Deferred.unit)); r ;;

    This means that if f raises, then the pipe is both closed and the exception is sent to the monitor active when init was called.

    If you have something (like Pipe.fold_without_pushback) consuming the pipe, the exception being delivered can race against the fold finishing, and you could end up missing it. Moreover, the race seems to reliably go in the direction you don't want:

    $ cat #!/j/office/app/jane-script/prod/113.34/jane-script run open Core.Std open Async.Std

    let main () = Monitor.try_with_or_error (fun () -> Pipe.init (fun _writer -> assert false) |> Pipe.fold_without_pushback ~init:() ~f:(fun () () -> ()) ) >>= fun res -> printf !"Result: %{sexp:unit Or_error.t}\n" res; exit 0

    let () = don't_wait_for (main ()); never_returns (Scheduler.go ())

    $ ./ Result: (Ok ()) 2015-10-21 15:42:22.494737+01:00 Error Exception raised to Monitor.try_with that already returned ( ((exn "Assert_failure /home/toto/") snip

  • Deprecated Pipe.init and replaced its uses with the semantically equivalent:

    Pipe.create_reader ~close_on_exception:true

  • Add a generic validate command that validates config files against their type

  • Add a convenience function to Delimited to read off a string

  • Add Mailbox.sexp_of_t. It shows elements in the order they were added, ie like peek { select = always_select } would return.

  • The requirement that the binary path you give to Command_rpc is slightly inconvenient and seems not very useful. Let's remove it.

  • Remove the ~update argument from State_rpc.dispatch.

    Before this feature, the dispatch method for State_rpcs looked like this:

    val dispatch : ('query, 'state, 'update, 'error) t -> Connection.t -> 'query -> update : ('state -> 'update -> 'state) -> ( 'state * ('state * 'update) Pipe.Reader.t * Metadata.t , 'error ) Result.t Or_error.t Deferred.t

    There are a couple of cases where having the update method there can be cumbersome:

    • sometimes the type of the state that it sent over the wire is different from the type that is naturally maintained on the client side.

    • sometimes the update method needs to perform some Async computation to return a new state.

    It feels like the method is trying to be helpful, but has more of a tendency of getting in the way. This feature removes this method.

    The old API may be reinstated by using a Pipe.fold_map as below:

    State_rpc.dispatch rpc connection query

    state, Pipe.fold_map pipe ~init:state ~f:(fun state update -> let new_state = update_state state update in new_state, (new_state, update)), pipe_metadata


  • Create library to fork and do calculations in child process.

  • Command_rpc.with_close returns an Or_error.t Deferred.t, and indeed if it fails to execute the binary, it will return an Error _ rather than raising. However, if it successfully executes the binary but then the handshake fails, it raises an exception. Successfully executing the binary but then having the handshake fail is I think a reasonable thing to want to catch, as it's what you'll get if you are starting the command rpc slave via ssh and there's some problem on the remote side.

    I haven't thought very hard about what happens if the subprocess dies after successful handshake and/or the implications of the Writer's monitor being the monitor in effect when with_close is called. I think heartbeats will kill the connection before this becomes an issue.

  • Remove Async_extended.Deprecated_async_bench

    It's causing problems for the open-source release on platforms that don't have Posix_clock.gettime:

    Seems that a module with Deprecated in the name and no uses should just be binned.

  • add a simple tcp proxy that is useful in testing for simulating network issues


  • Make LTL predicates comparable by tagging and id to each one. Fixes a functional comparison bug.

  • Switched to PPX.

  • Add an mli for async_extended/src/ and remove a couple of unused functions (notably Reader_ext had its own version of Reader.read_char).

  • Add async-friendly color print

  • Ltl.eval should close the pipe after it is done with it.

  • Deleted Async_extended.Cml.

  • Remove Async_extended.Std.Gzip and redirect references to Async_gzip.Std.Gzip.

  • Update Command_rpc.Connection to check the program before exec'ing it. The filename must now be absolute, exist, and be executable. Previously errors with nonexistent or nonexecutable files would only be found out after forking.

  • Change Command_rpc.Command to use Versioned_rpc.Callee_converts instead of Versioned_rpc.Both_convert so that commands can be constructed without client-side conversions. Clients remain free to use conversions or not, as appropriate.

    Removed val rpcs from Callee_converts interfaces because nothing appears to use it, and Both_convert does not provide it. Now Both_convert.S can be supplied to satisfy Callee_converts.S.

  • Add simple example of Command_rpc

  • Add Deferred_cache.

  • Fixing a couple of issues noticed in Command_rpc:

    • If propagate_stderr is false, the child's stderr is now drained instead of ignored.

    • When connections are closed, stderr is now closed as well, which prevents a file descriptor leak if the child process is unresponsive.


  • Added a more raw interface to Delimited.Csv.


  • Added Ltl module, an implementation of linear temporal logic, which can be used to run online queries on sequences of states.

  • Added Interactive.Job, for printing start/done messages for multiple simultaneous jobs.

  • Made Any_error be Applicative.

  • Added Command_rpc support for Versioned_rpc.Both_convert.Plain.


  • Fixed misspelling in Command_rpc.Connection, renaming propogate_stderr as propagate_stderr.


  • Added Interactive module for terminal interaction with users by command-line executables.

    Interactive was previously in Iron_common.

  • In Process, added an ?env argument to some functions.

  • Allowed Command_rpc implementations to access the Rpc.Connection.t used to invoke them.

    There is an option to invoke Command_rpc implementations via sexp communication instead of Rpc, so implementations are given a value of a variant type Sexp | Bin_io of Rpc.Connection.t.

  • Added Resource module, which abstracts the idea of acquiring and releasing a handle to a resource.


  • Unwound a recent change to Mailbox where one invocation of receive would put aside items, preventing other invocations from noticing them.

  • Added Delimited.Row.nth_conv_exn, as a counterpart to get_conv_exn.

  • Fixed File_updates handling of identical mtimes.


  • Clarified an error in Rpc_proxy.


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