package aws-s3

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

S3 command type. If retries is set, then the system will retry if the command is throttled using exponential backoff.

credentials are credentials used for accessing s3. If none is supplied the command will be attempted without.

region specified on which region the operation should go to. default us-east



type 'a command = ?retries:int -> ?credentials:Credentials.t -> ?region:Util.region -> 'a
module Ls : sig ... end
module Delete_multi : sig ... end
type range = {
  1. first : int option;
  2. last : int option;
val put : (?content_type:string -> ?gzip:bool -> ?acl:string -> ?cache_control:string -> bucket:string -> key:string -> string -> string Compat.Deferred.Or_error.t) command

Upload key to bucket.

If gzip is true, the contents will be gzipped before uploading and content-encoding set to gzip so client will automatically decompress the content.

Returns the etag of the object. The etag is the base64 md5 checksum (RFC 1864)

val get : (?range:range -> bucket:string -> key:string -> unit -> string Compat.Deferred.Or_error.t) command

Download key from s3 in bucket If range is specified, only a part of the file is downloaded.

  • If first is None, then start from the beginning of the object.
  • If last is None, then get to the end of the object.
val delete : (bucket:string -> key:string -> unit -> unit Compat.Deferred.Or_error.t) command

Delete key from bucket.

val delete_multi : (bucket:string -> Delete_multi.objekt list -> unit -> Delete_multi.result Compat.Deferred.Or_error.t) command

Delete multiple objects from bucket.

The result will indicate which items failed and which are deleted. If an item is not found it will be reported as successfully deleted.

val ls : (?continuation_token:string -> ?prefix:string -> bucket:string -> unit -> Ls.t) command

List contents in bucket

Aws will return upto 1000 keys per request. If not all keys are returned, the function will return a continuation.


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