package bechamel

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type ('a, 't) app
module Uniq : sig ... end
module Multiple : sig ... end
type packed = private
  1. | V : {
    1. fn : [ `Init ] -> 'a -> 'b;
    2. kind : ('a, 'v, 't) kind;
    3. allocate : 'v -> ('a, 't) app;
    4. free : ('a, 't) app -> unit;
    } -> packed
and ('a, 'v, 'k) kind = private
  1. | Uniq : ('a, unit, Uniq.t) kind
  2. | Multiple : ('a, int, Multiple.t) kind
val uniq : ('a, unit, Uniq.t) kind
val multiple : ('a, int, Multiple.t) kind
module Elt : sig ... end
type t
type fmt_indexed = (string -> int -> string, Format.formatter, unit, string) format4
type fmt_grouped = (string -> string -> string, Format.formatter, unit, string) format4
val make : name:string -> (unit -> 'a) Staged.t -> t

make ~name fn is a naming benchmark measuring fn. fn can be constructed with Staged.stage:

let write =
  Test.make ~name:"unix-write"
    (Staged.stage @@ fun () -> Unix.write Unix.stdout "Hello World!")
val make_with_resource : name:string -> ('a, 'f, 'g) kind -> allocate:(unit -> 'a) -> free:('a -> unit) -> ('a -> 'b) Staged.t -> t

make_with_resource ~name k ~allocate ~free fn is a naming benchmark measuring fn with a pre-allocated resource 'v (given by allocate). It permits to measure fn which requires a resource allocated before the benchmark. Then, this resource can be free-ed via the given free function.

Depending on the k given, the resource can be allocated only one time or per run:

  • uniq, the resource is allocated one ime before the benchmark and used by fn for all runs. Then, it is free-ed at the end of the benchmark.
  • multiple, the resource is allocated multiple times (depending on how many times we want to run fn) at the beginning of the benchmark and fn is executed with a structurally different resource per run. Then, these resources are free-ed at the end of the benchmark.

NOTE: the multiple case can ask a huge allocation (for instance, it can call 3000 times allocate). Be aware that such usage, depending on what you allocate, can lead an Out_of_memory exception.

val make_indexed : name:string -> ?fmt:fmt_indexed -> args:int list -> (int -> (unit -> 'a) Staged.t) -> t

make_indexed ~name ~fmt ~args fn is naming benchmarks indexed by an argument (by args). Name of each benchmark is Fmt.strf fmt name arg (default to "%s:%d").

let make_list words =
  Staged.stage @@ fun () ->
  let rec go n acc = if n = 0 then acc else go (n - 1) (n :: acc) in
  go ((words / 3) + 1) []

let test =
  make_indexed ~name:"make_list" ~args:[ 0; 10; 100; 100 ] make_list

This kind of test is helpful to see results of the same implementation with differents arguments (indexed by the given int).

val make_indexed_with_resource : name:string -> ?fmt:fmt_indexed -> args:int list -> ('a, 'f, 'g) kind -> allocate:(int -> 'a) -> free:('a -> unit) -> (int -> ('a -> 'b) Staged.t) -> t
val make_grouped : name:string -> ?fmt:fmt_grouped -> t list -> t

make_grouped ~name ~fmt tests is naming benchmarks. Name of each benchmark is Fmt.strf fmt name arg (default to %s/%s).

let f0 = Test.make ~name:"fib1" ... ;; let f1 = Test.make ~name:"fib0"
... ;;

let test = Test.make_grouped ~name:"fibonacci" [ f0; f1; ] ;;

This kind of test is helpful to compare results betwen many implementations.

val name : t -> string

name t returns the name of the test.

val names : t -> string list

names t returns names of sub-tests of t (such as indexed tests or grouped tests).

val elements : t -> Elt.t list

elements t returns all measuring functions of t.

val expand : t list -> Elt.t list

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