package catala

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Abstract syntax tree of the scope language


module ScopeName = Dcalc.Ast.ScopeName
module ScopeNameSet : Set.S with type elt = ScopeName.t
module ScopeMap : Map.S with type key = ScopeName.t
module SubScopeMap : Map.S with type key = SubScopeName.t
module ScopeVarSet : Set.S with type elt = ScopeVar.t
module ScopeVarMap : Map.S with type key = ScopeVar.t
module StructName = Dcalc.Ast.StructName
module StructMap = Dcalc.Ast.StructMap
module StructFieldName = Dcalc.Ast.StructFieldName
module StructFieldMapLift : sig ... end
module EnumName = Dcalc.Ast.EnumName
module EnumMap = Dcalc.Ast.EnumMap
module EnumConstructor = Dcalc.Ast.EnumConstructor
module EnumConstructorMapLift : sig ... end

Abstract syntax tree

type typ =
  1. | TLit of Dcalc.Ast.typ_lit
  2. | TStruct of StructName.t
  3. | TEnum of EnumName.t
  4. | TArrow of typ Utils.Marked.pos * typ Utils.Marked.pos
  5. | TArray of typ
  6. | TAny
module Typ : Set.OrderedType with type t = typ
type marked_expr = expr Utils.Marked.pos

The expressions use the Bindlib library, based on higher-order abstract syntax

and expr =
  1. | ELocation of location
  2. | EVar of expr Bindlib.var
  3. | EStruct of StructName.t * marked_expr StructFieldMap.t
  4. | EStructAccess of marked_expr * StructFieldName.t * StructName.t
  5. | EEnumInj of marked_expr * EnumConstructor.t * EnumName.t
  6. | EMatch of marked_expr * EnumName.t * marked_expr EnumConstructorMap.t
  7. | ELit of Dcalc.Ast.lit
  8. | EAbs of (expr, marked_expr) Bindlib.mbinder * typ Utils.Marked.pos list
  9. | EApp of marked_expr * marked_expr list
  10. | EOp of Dcalc.Ast.operator
  11. | EDefault of marked_expr list * marked_expr * marked_expr
  12. | EIfThenElse of marked_expr * marked_expr * marked_expr
  13. | EArray of marked_expr list
  14. | ErrorOnEmpty of marked_expr
module Expr : Set.OrderedType with type t = expr
module ExprMap : Map.S with type key = expr
val locations_used : expr Utils.Marked.pos -> LocationSet.t
type io_input =
  1. | NoInput

    For an internal variable defined only in the scope, and does not appear in the input.

  2. | OnlyInput

    For variables that should not be redefined in the scope, because they appear in the input.

  3. | Reentrant

    For variables defined in the scope that can also be redefined by the caller as they appear in the input.


This type characterizes the three levels of visibility for a given scope variable with regards to the scope's input and possible redefinitions inside the scope..

type io = {
  1. io_output : bool Utils.Marked.pos;

    true is present in the output of the scope.

  2. io_input : io_input Utils.Marked.pos;

Characterization of the input/output status of a scope variable.

type scope_decl = {
  1. scope_decl_name : ScopeName.t;
  2. scope_sig : (typ Utils.Marked.pos * io) ScopeVarMap.t;
  3. scope_decl_rules : rule list;
type program = {
  1. program_scopes : scope_decl ScopeMap.t;
  2. program_enums : enum_ctx;
  3. program_structs : struct_ctx;

Variable helpers

module Var : sig ... end
module VarMap : Map.S with type key = Var.t
type vars = expr Bindlib.mvar

make_default ?pos exceptions just cons builds a term semantically equivalent to <exceptions | just :- cons> (the EDefault constructor) while avoiding redundant nested constructions. The position is extracted from just by default.

Note that, due to the simplifications taking place, the result might not be of the form EDefault:

  • <true :- x> is rewritten as x
  • <ex | true :- def>, when def is a default term <j :- c> without exceptions, is collapsed into <ex | def>
  • <ex | false :- _>, when ex is a single exception, is rewritten as ex

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