package catala

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

The OCaml runtime.


type money
type integer
type decimal
type date
type duration
type source_position = {
  1. filename : string;
  2. start_line : int;
  3. start_column : int;
  4. end_line : int;
  5. end_column : int;
  6. law_headings : string list;
val yojson_of_source_position : source_position -> Ppx_yojson_conv_lib.Yojson.Safe.t
type 'a eoption =
  1. | ENone of unit
  2. | ESome of 'a


exception EmptyError
exception AssertionFailed of source_position
exception ConflictError of source_position
exception UncomparableDurations
exception IndivisibleDurations
exception ImpossibleDate
exception NoValueProvided of source_position

Value Embedding

type runtime_value =
  1. | Unit
  2. | Bool of bool
  3. | Money of money
  4. | Integer of integer
  5. | Decimal of decimal
  6. | Date of date
  7. | Duration of duration
  8. | Enum of string list * string * runtime_value
  9. | Struct of string list * (string * runtime_value) list
  10. | Array of runtime_value Stdlib.Array.t
  11. | Unembeddable
val yojson_of_runtime_value : runtime_value -> Ppx_yojson_conv_lib.Yojson.Safe.t
val unembeddable : 'a -> runtime_value
val embed_unit : unit -> runtime_value
val embed_bool : bool -> runtime_value
val embed_money : money -> runtime_value
val embed_integer : integer -> runtime_value
val embed_decimal : decimal -> runtime_value
val embed_date : date -> runtime_value
val embed_duration : duration -> runtime_value
val embed_array : ('a -> runtime_value) -> 'a Stdlib.Array.t -> runtime_value


Global process

The logging is constituted of two phases:

  • The first one consists of collecting raw events (see raw_event) during the program execution (see retrieve_log) throught Logging instruments.
  • The second one consists in parsing the collected raw events into structured ones (see event).

Data structures

type information = string list

Represents information about a name in the code -- i.e. variable name, subscope name, etc...

It's a list of strings with a length varying from 2 to 3, where:

  • the first string is the name of the current scope -- starting with a capitalized letter Scope_name,
  • the second string is either: the name of a scope variable or, the name of a subscope input variable -- a_subscope_var.input_var
  • the third string is either: a subscope name (starting with a capitalized letter Subscope_name or, the input (resp. output) string -- which corresponds to the input (resp. the output) of a function.
val yojson_of_information : information -> Ppx_yojson_conv_lib.Yojson.Safe.t

The raw events

type raw_event =
  1. | BeginCall of information

    Subscope or function call.

  2. | EndCall of information

    End of a subscope or a function call.

  3. | VariableDefinition of information * runtime_value

    Definition of a variable or a function argument.

  4. | DecisionTaken of source_position

    Source code position of an event.


The structured events

The corresponding grammar of the event type, is the following:

<event> := <fun_call>
         | <subscope_call>
         | <var_def>
         | <var_def_with_fun>
         | VariableDefinition

<fun_call> :=
    VariableDefinition                      (function input)
        (<var_def> | <var_def_with_fun>)    (function output)

<var_def_with_fun> :=
       /-- DecisionTaken
pos of |   <fun_call>+                      (function calls needed to compute the variable value)
       \-> VariableDefinition

<subscope_call> :=
    <sub_var_def>*          (sub-scope attributes def)

<var_def> := DecisionTaken VariableDefinition(info, _)
  (when info.length = 2 && info[1] == "id")

<sub_var_def> := DecisionTaken VariableDefinition(info, _)
  (when info.length = 3)

<fun_call_beg> := BeginCall(info)
  (when info.length = 2)

<sub_call_beg> := BeginCall(info)
  (when info.length = 2 and '.' in info[1])
type event =
  1. | VarComputation of var_def
  2. | FunCall of fun_call
  3. | SubScopeCall of {
    1. name : information;
    2. inputs : var_def list;
    3. body : event list;
and var_def = {
  1. pos : source_position option;
  2. name : information;
  3. value : runtime_value;
  4. fun_calls : fun_call list option;
and fun_call = {
  1. fun_name : information;
  2. inputs : var_def list;
  3. body : event list;
  4. output : var_def;
val yojson_of_event : event -> Ppx_yojson_conv_lib.Yojson.Safe.t
val yojson_of_var_def : var_def -> Ppx_yojson_conv_lib.Yojson.Safe.t
val yojson_of_fun_call : fun_call -> Ppx_yojson_conv_lib.Yojson.Safe.t


val retrieve_log : unit -> raw_event list

retrieve_log () returns the current list of collected raw_event.

module EventParser : sig ... end

Helping functions

Logging instruments

val reset_log : unit -> unit
val log_begin_call : string list -> 'a -> 'a
val log_end_call : string list -> 'a -> 'a
val log_variable_definition : string list -> ('a -> runtime_value) -> 'a -> 'a
val log_decision_taken : source_position -> bool -> bool

Pretty printers

val pp_events : ?is_first_call:bool -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> event list -> unit

pp_events ~is_first_call ppf events pretty prints in ppf the string representation of events.

If is_first_call is set to true, the formatter will be flush at the end. By default, is_first_call is set to false.

Constructors and conversions


val money_of_cents_string : string -> money
val money_of_units_int : int -> money
val money_of_decimal : decimal -> money

Warning: rounds to nearest cent.

val money_of_cents_integer : integer -> money
val money_to_float : money -> float
val money_to_string : money -> string
val money_to_cents : money -> integer
val money_round : money -> money


val decimal_of_string : string -> decimal
val decimal_to_string : max_prec_digits:int -> decimal -> string
val decimal_of_integer : integer -> decimal
val decimal_of_float : float -> decimal
val decimal_to_float : decimal -> float
val decimal_round : decimal -> decimal
val decimal_of_money : money -> decimal


val integer_of_string : string -> integer
val integer_to_string : integer -> string
val integer_to_int : integer -> int
val integer_of_int : int -> integer
val integer_log2 : integer -> int
val integer_exponentiation : integer -> int -> integer


val day_of_month_of_date : date -> integer
val month_number_of_date : date -> integer
val is_leap_year : integer -> bool
val year_of_date : date -> integer
val date_to_string : date -> string
val date_of_numbers : int -> int -> int -> date

Usage: date_of_numbers year month day

val first_day_of_month : date -> date
val last_day_of_month : date -> date


val duration_of_numbers : int -> int -> int -> duration

Usage : duration_of_numbers year mounth day.

val duration_to_years_months_days : duration -> int * int * int


val duration_to_string : duration -> string


val handle_default : source_position -> (unit -> 'a) array -> (unit -> bool) -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
val handle_default_opt : source_position -> 'a eoption array -> bool eoption -> 'a eoption -> 'a eoption
val no_input : unit -> 'a


module Oper : sig ... end
include module type of Oper
val o_not : bool -> bool
val o_length : 'a array -> integer
val o_torat_int : integer -> decimal
val o_torat_mon : money -> decimal
val o_tomoney_rat : decimal -> money
val o_getDay : date -> integer
val o_getMonth : date -> integer
val o_getYear : date -> integer
val o_firstDayOfMonth : date -> date
val o_lastDayOfMonth : date -> date
val o_round_mon : money -> money
val o_round_rat : decimal -> decimal
val o_minus_int : integer -> integer
val o_minus_rat : decimal -> decimal
val o_minus_mon : money -> money
val o_minus_dur : duration -> duration
val o_and : bool -> bool -> bool
val o_or : bool -> bool -> bool
val o_xor : bool -> bool -> bool
val o_eq : 'a -> 'a -> bool
val o_map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a array -> 'b array
val o_reduce : ('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a array -> 'a
val o_concat : 'a array -> 'a array -> 'a array
val o_filter : ('a -> bool) -> 'a array -> 'a array
val o_add_int_int : integer -> integer -> integer
val o_add_rat_rat : decimal -> decimal -> decimal
val o_add_mon_mon : money -> money -> money
val o_add_dat_dur : date -> duration -> date
val o_add_dur_dur : duration -> duration -> duration
val o_sub_int_int : integer -> integer -> integer
val o_sub_rat_rat : decimal -> decimal -> decimal
val o_sub_mon_mon : money -> money -> money
val o_sub_dat_dat : date -> date -> duration
val o_sub_dat_dur : date -> duration -> date
val o_sub_dur_dur : duration -> duration -> duration
val o_mult_int_int : integer -> integer -> integer
val o_mult_rat_rat : decimal -> decimal -> decimal
val o_mult_mon_rat : money -> decimal -> money
val o_mult_dur_int : duration -> integer -> duration
val o_div_int_int : integer -> integer -> decimal
val o_div_rat_rat : decimal -> decimal -> decimal
val o_div_mon_mon : money -> money -> decimal
val o_div_mon_rat : money -> decimal -> money
val o_div_dur_dur : duration -> duration -> decimal
val o_lt_int_int : integer -> integer -> bool
val o_lt_rat_rat : decimal -> decimal -> bool
val o_lt_mon_mon : money -> money -> bool
val o_lt_dur_dur : duration -> duration -> bool
val o_lt_dat_dat : date -> date -> bool
val o_lte_int_int : integer -> integer -> bool
val o_lte_rat_rat : decimal -> decimal -> bool
val o_lte_mon_mon : money -> money -> bool
val o_lte_dur_dur : duration -> duration -> bool
val o_lte_dat_dat : date -> date -> bool
val o_gt_int_int : integer -> integer -> bool
val o_gt_rat_rat : decimal -> decimal -> bool
val o_gt_mon_mon : money -> money -> bool
val o_gt_dur_dur : duration -> duration -> bool
val o_gt_dat_dat : date -> date -> bool
val o_gte_int_int : integer -> integer -> bool
val o_gte_rat_rat : decimal -> decimal -> bool
val o_gte_mon_mon : money -> money -> bool
val o_gte_dur_dur : duration -> duration -> bool
val o_gte_dat_dat : date -> date -> bool
val o_eq_int_int : integer -> integer -> bool
val o_eq_rat_rat : decimal -> decimal -> bool
val o_eq_mon_mon : money -> money -> bool
val o_eq_dur_dur : duration -> duration -> bool
val o_eq_dat_dat : date -> date -> bool
val o_fold : ('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b array -> 'a

Innovation. Community. Security.