package delimited_parsing

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Helper for converting from the old interface. Use this snippet in files to disable the expert interface:

module Delimited = struct
  include Delimited
  module Write = Delimited.Write.Without_expert

Write CSVs & CSV-like delimited formats.

type -'a t = 'a Delimited_kernel.Write.t

Used to describe a way to create a single row of a CSV from a given type.

val empty : 'a t
val column : ('a -> string) -> header:string -> 'a t
val column_m : (module Delimited_kernel__.Write_intf.To_string with type t = 'a) -> header:string -> 'a t
val column_opt : ?default:string -> ('a -> string) -> header:string -> 'a option t

default is printed in place of None, and if not supplied is the empty string.

val column_m_opt : ?default:string -> (module Delimited_kernel__.Write_intf.To_string with type t = 'a) -> header:string -> 'a option t
val optional : ?default:string -> 'a t -> 'a option t

default is used for every column in the case of None.

val of_list : 'a t list -> 'a t
val append : 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t
val contra_map : 'b t -> f:('a -> 'b) -> 'a t
val map_headers : 'a t -> f:(string -> string) -> 'a t
val headers : 'a t -> string list
val to_columns : 'a t -> 'a -> string list
val to_string : ?quote:char -> ?sep:char -> ?line_breaks:[ `Unix | `Windows ] -> write_header:bool -> 'a t -> 'a list -> string

Convert a list of 'a to a CSV document in a string.

Open for prefix operators useful for using with Fields.to_list.

val with_writer : ?sep:char -> ?line_breaks:[ `Unix | `Windows ] -> write_header:bool -> 'a t -> Async.Writer.t -> f:('a Async.Pipe.Writer.t -> 'b Async.Deferred.t) -> 'b Async.Deferred.t

Make a pipe writer for 'as from a writer. The 'as will be written out as CSVs.

Once with_writer's return Deferred becomes determined, it is guaranteed that the whole CSV has hit the OS buffer.

The writer will NOT be closed when the pipe closes.

val with_file : ?sep:char -> ?line_breaks:[ `Unix | `Windows ] -> write_header:bool -> 'a t -> string -> f:('a Async.Pipe.Writer.t -> 'b Async.Deferred.t) -> 'b Async.Deferred.t

Make a pipe writer for 'as from a filename, using the given CSV converter.

module By_row : sig ... end

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