package dune-release

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Helper functions to manipulate URIs as OCaml strings

type uri = {
  1. scheme : string option;
  2. domain : string list;
  3. path : string list;

Helper type describing the content of an URI to facilitate parsing. Scheme is None if no explicit scheme was specified. The domain is a non empty list in hierarchical order, e.g. ["io"; "github"; "me"] for "". The path is [] if there was no path and a list of the path components, e.g. ["some"; "path"] for "".

val pp_uri : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> uri -> unit
val equal_uri : uri -> uri -> bool
val parse : string -> uri option

Parses an URI as a string. Returns None if the URI can't be properly parsed. The domain and path are determined based on the first '/' or ':' separator to support either regular URIs or "" URIs.

val get_sld : string -> string option

Get the URI's second level domain, if it has one.

val append_to_base : rel_path:string -> string -> string

Append a relative path to a base URI.

val chop_git_prefix : string -> string

Chop the prefix git+ from a URI, if any.


Innovation. Community. Security.