package eio

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

This library is used to write event traces using OCaml's runtime events infrastructure.

type id = int
type obj_ty =
  1. | Promise
  2. | Semaphore
  3. | Stream
  4. | Mutex

    Types of recorded objects.

val obj_ty_to_string : obj_ty -> string
type cc_ty =
  1. | Switch
  2. | Protect
  3. | Sub
  4. | Root
  5. | Any

    Types of cancellation contexts.

val cc_ty_to_string : cc_ty -> string

Writing events

val create_fiber : (id * id) Runtime_events.User.t
val create_cc : (id * cc_ty) Runtime_events.User.t
val create_obj : (id * obj_ty) Runtime_events.User.t
val log : string Runtime_events.User.t
val enter_span : string Runtime_events.User.t
val exit_span : unit Runtime_events.User.t
val name : (id * string) Runtime_events.User.t
val suspend_fiber : string Runtime_events.User.t
val exit_cc : unit Runtime_events.User.t
val exit_fiber : id Runtime_events.User.t
val error : (id * exn) Runtime_events.User.t

Consuming events

type event = [
  1. | `Create of id * [ `Fiber_in of id | `Cc of cc_ty | `Obj of obj_ty ]
  2. | `Fiber of id

    The given fiber is now running.

  3. | `Name of id * string

    Names a promise, stream, etc.

  4. | `Log of string

    The running fiber logs a message.

  5. | `Enter_span of string

    The running fiber enters a traced section.

  6. | `Exit_span

    The running fiber leaves the current traced section.

  7. | `Get of id

    The running fiber gets a value from a promise, stream, acquires a lock, etc.

  8. | `Try_get of id

    The running fiber wants to get, but must wait.

  9. | `Put of id

    The running fiber resolves a promise, adds to a stream, releases a lock etc.

  10. | `Error of id * string

    A CC fails with the given error.

  11. | `Exit_cc

    The current CC ends.

  12. | `Exit_fiber of id

    The running fiber ends.

  13. | `Suspend_domain of Runtime_events.Type.span

    The domain asks the OS to wait for events.

  14. | `Suspend_fiber of string

    The running fiber is suspended (until resumed by `Fiber).

val pp_event : Format.formatter -> event -> unit

pp_event formats an event as a human-readable string

add_callbacks fn x adds event handler fn to x.

When an Eio event is processed, it calls fn ring_id ts event.


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