package frama-c

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type mode =
  1. | NoCache
  2. | Update
  3. | Replay
  4. | Rebuild
  5. | Offline
  6. | Cleanup
val get_dir : unit -> string
val set_mode : mode -> unit
val get_mode : unit -> mode
val get_hits : unit -> int
val get_miss : unit -> int
val get_removed : unit -> int
val is_active : mode -> bool
val is_updating : mode -> bool
val cleanup_cache : unit -> unit
type 'a digest = Why3Provers.t -> 'a -> string
type 'a runner = timeout:float option -> steplimit:int option -> Why3Provers.t -> 'a -> VCS.result Frama_c_kernel.Task.task
val promote : ?timeout:float -> ?steplimit:int -> VCS.result -> VCS.result

Converts some known results to the given limits. In particular, if the result shall be discarded with respect to the limits, the function returns VCS.no_result.

val get_result : digest:'a digest -> runner:'a runner -> 'a runner
val clear_result : digest:'a digest -> Why3Provers.t -> 'a -> unit

Innovation. Community. Security.