package frama-c

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

This module defines the previous functions without memoization

val get_automaton : annotations:bool -> Cil_types.kernel_function -> automaton

Get the interpreted automaton for the given kernel_function. Note that the automata construction may lead to the build of new Cil expressions which will be different at each call: you may need to memoize the results of this function.

val build_wto : automaton -> wto

Build the wto for the given automaton (No memoization, use get_wto instead)

val exit_strategy : graph -> vertex Wto.component -> wto

Extract an exit strategy from a component, i.e. a sub-wto where all vertices lead outside the wto without passing through the head.

val output_to_dot : out_channel -> ?labeling:vertex labeling -> ?wto:wto -> automaton -> unit

Output the automaton in dot format

type wto_index_table
val build_wto_index_table : wto -> wto_index_table

Compute the index table from a wto

val get_wto_index : wto_index_table -> vertex -> wto_index
  • returns

    the wto_index for a statement

val wto_index_diff : wto_index -> wto_index -> vertex list * vertex list
  • returns

    the components left and the components entered when going from one index to another

val get_wto_index_diff : wto_index_table -> vertex -> vertex -> vertex list * vertex list
  • returns

    the components left and the components entered when going from one vertex to another

val is_wto_head : wto_index_table -> vertex -> bool
  • returns

    wether v is a component head or not

val is_back_edge : wto_index_table -> (vertex * vertex) -> bool
  • returns

    wether v1,v2 is a back edge of a loop, i.e. if the vertex v1 is a wto head of any component where v2 is included. This assumes that (v1,v2) is actually an edge present in the control flow graph.


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