package gg

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type scalar_type = [
  1. | `Float16
  2. | `Float32
  3. | `Float64
  4. | `Int16
  5. | `Int32
  6. | `Int64
  7. | `Int8
  8. | `UInt16
  9. | `UInt32
  10. | `UInt64
  11. | `UInt8
val scalar_type_byte_count : scalar_type -> int
val pp_scalar_type : Format.formatter -> scalar_type -> unit
type ('a, 'b) b_array = ('a, 'b, Bigarray.c_layout) Bigarray.Array1.t
type buffer = [
  1. | `A_Float64 of float array
  2. | `B_Float16 of (int, Bigarray.int16_unsigned_elt) b_array
  3. | `B_Float32 of (float, Bigarray.float32_elt) b_array
  4. | `B_Float64 of (float, Bigarray.float64_elt) b_array
  5. | `B_Int16 of (int, Bigarray.int16_signed_elt) b_array
  6. | `B_Int32 of (int32, Bigarray.int32_elt) b_array
  7. | `B_Int64 of (int64, Bigarray.int64_elt) b_array
  8. | `B_Int8 of (int, Bigarray.int8_signed_elt) b_array
  9. | `B_UInt16 of (int, Bigarray.int16_unsigned_elt) b_array
  10. | `B_UInt32 of (int32, Bigarray.int32_elt) b_array
  11. | `B_UInt64 of (int64, Bigarray.int64_elt) b_array
  12. | `B_UInt8 of (int, Bigarray.int8_unsigned_elt) b_array
  13. | `S_UInt8 of string
val buffer_scalar_type : buffer -> scalar_type
val pp_buffer : Format.formatter -> buffer -> unit
type sample_semantics = [
  1. | `Color of Color.profile * bool
  2. | `Other of string * int
val rgb_l : sample_semantics
val rgba_l : sample_semantics
val gray_l : sample_semantics
val graya_l : sample_semantics
val pp_sample_semantics : Format.formatter -> sample_semantics -> unit
type sample_pack = [
  1. | `FourCC of string * scalar_type option
  2. | `Other of string * scalar_type option
  3. | `PU8888
val pp_sample_pack : Format.formatter -> sample_pack -> unit
type sample_format
val sample_format_v : ?pack:sample_pack -> sample_semantics -> scalar_type -> sample_format
val sf_semantics : sample_format -> sample_semantics
val sf_scalar_type : sample_format -> scalar_type
val sf_pack : sample_format -> sample_pack option
val sf_dim : sample_format -> int
val sf_scalar_count : ?first:int -> ?w_skip:int -> ?h_skip:int -> w:int -> ?h:int -> ?d:int -> sample_format -> int
val pp_sample_format : Format.formatter -> sample_format -> unit
type t = raster
val v : ?res:v3 -> ?first:int -> ?w_skip:int -> ?h_skip:int -> w:int -> ?h:int -> ?d:int -> sample_format -> buffer -> t
val res : t -> v3 option
val first : t -> int
val w_skip : t -> int
val h_skip : t -> int
val w : t -> int
val h : t -> int
val d : t -> int
val sample_format : t -> sample_format
val buffer : t -> buffer
val dim : t -> int
val size2 : t -> size2
val size3 : t -> size3
val sub : ?x:int -> ?y:int -> ?z:int -> ?w:int -> ?h:int -> ?d:int -> t -> t
val pitches : t -> int * int * int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val compare : t -> t -> int
val to_string : t -> string
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit

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