package git

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

This module is the engine to delta-ify Git objects together. The current implementation is a stop the world process which can not compute iteratively the delta-ification for some Git objects.

This process is the biggest process about memory consumption. Indeed, for each computation, we need to keep some Git objects to get the best diff between them. As Git, this process keeps 10 objects while we do the delta-ification for all - these objects are represented as inflated raw data in a Cstruct.t.

However, if we try to delta-ify big objects (like your repository has the season 1 of Narcos), we should explose your memory (because we will load 10 movies in your memory). So the client can restrict the delta-ification by the weigth of the window (which contains your objects) instead by the number of objects inside.

Then, the final result does not keep Git objects loaded - the OCaml GC will delete them - but a lighter representation of the diff for each entry. And it's why, for the serialization of the PACK file, we re-ask (and re-load) your objects (however, in this last case, we don't need the ownership - see expect).

module Hash : sig ... end
module Entry : ENTRY with module Hash := Hash
type t = {
  1. mutable delta : delta;

The type of the delta-ification.

and delta =
  1. | Z

    Means no delta-ification.

  2. | S of {
    1. length : int;

      Length of the PACK object.

    2. depth : int;

      Depth of the PACK object.

    3. hunks : Duff.t list;

      Compression list.

    4. src : t;


    5. src_length : int64;

      Length of the source object.

    6. src_hash : Hash.t;

      Hash of the source object.


    Delta-ification with a description of the source.

type error =
  1. | Invalid_hash of Hash.t

    Appears when we have an invalid hash.


The type of error.

val pp_error : error Fmt.t

Pretty-printer for error.

val deltas : ?memory:bool -> Entry.t list -> (Hash.t -> Cstruct.t option Lwt.t) -> (Entry.t -> bool) -> int -> int -> ((Entry.t * t) list, error) Stdlib.result Lwt.t

deltas ?memory lst getter tagger window depth.

This is the main algorithm about the serialization of the git object in a PACK file. The purpose is to order and delta-ify entries.

getter is a function to access to the real inflated raw of the git object requested by the hash. This function must allocate the raw (or let the ownership to this function). The algorithm takes the ownership anyway.

tagger is a function to annotate an entry as preferred to serialize firstly.

window corresponds to the number of how many object(s) we keep for the delta-ification or, if memory is true, how many byte(s) we keep for the delta-ification. The client can control the memory consumption of this algorithm precisely if he wants.

depth is the maximum of the delta-ification allowed.

If you want to understand the algorithm, look the source code.


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