package goblint-cil

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module E = Errormsg
module H = Hashtbl
val doSfi : bool ref
val doSfiReads : bool ref
val doSfiWrites : bool ref
val skipFunctions : (string, unit) H.t
val mustSfiFunction : Cil.fundec -> bool
type dataLocation =
  1. | InResult
  2. | InArg of int
  3. | InArgTimesArg of int * int
  4. | PointedToByArg of int
val extractData : dataLocation -> Cil.exp list -> Cil.lval option -> Cil.exp
val allocators : (string, dataLocation * dataLocation) H.t
val deallocators : (string, dataLocation) H.t
val is_bitfield : Cil.offset -> bool
val addr_of_lv : Cil.lval -> Cil.exp
val mustLogLval : bool -> Cil.lval -> bool
val mkProto : string -> (string * Cil.typ * Cil.attributes) list -> Cil.fundec
val logReads : Cil.fundec
val callLogRead : Cil.lval -> Cil.instr
val logWrites : Cil.fundec
val callLogWrite : Cil.lval -> Cil.instr
val logStackFrame : Cil.fundec
val callLogStack : string -> Cil.instr
val logAlloc : Cil.fundec
val callLogAlloc : dataLocation -> dataLocation -> Cil.exp list -> Cil.lval option -> Cil.instr
val logFree : Cil.fundec
val callLogFree : dataLocation -> Cil.exp list -> Cil.lval option -> Cil.instr
val doit : Cil.file -> unit
val feature : Feature.t

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