package irmin-bench

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
include module type of struct include V0 end
type float32 = int32
val float32_t : int32 Repr.t
type tree = V0.tree = {
  1. contents_hash : int;
  2. contents_find : int;
  3. contents_add : int;
  4. node_hash : int;
  5. node_mem : int;
  6. node_add : int;
  7. node_find : int;
  8. node_val_v : int;
  9. node_val_find : int;
  10. node_val_list : int;

Stats extracted from Irmin.Tree.counters ().

val tree_t : tree Repr.t
type index = V0.index = {
  1. bytes_read : int;
  2. nb_reads : int;
  3. bytes_written : int;
  4. nb_writes : int;
  5. nb_merge : int;
  6. new_merge_durations : float list;

Stats extracted from Index.Stats.get ().

new_merge_durations is not just a mirror of Index.Stats.merge_durations, it only contains the new entries since the last time it was recorded. This list is always empty when in the header.

val index_t : index Repr.t
type gc = V0.gc = {
  1. minor_words : float;
  2. promoted_words : float;
  3. major_words : float;
  4. minor_collections : int;
  5. major_collections : int;
  6. heap_words : int;
  7. compactions : int;
  8. top_heap_words : int;
  9. stack_size : int;

Stats extracted from Gc.quick_stat ().

val gc_t : gc Repr.t
type disk = V0.disk = {
  1. index_data : int64;
  2. index_log : int64;
  3. index_log_async : int64;
  4. store_dict : int64;
  5. store_pack : int64;

Stats extracted from filesystem. Requires the path to the irmin store.

val disk_t : disk Repr.t
type 'pack_stats bag_of_stats_base = 'pack_stats V0.bag_of_stats_base = {
  1. pack : 'pack_stats;
  2. tree : tree;
  3. index : index;
  4. gc : gc;
  5. disk : disk;
  6. timestamp_wall : float;
  7. timestamp_cpu : float;

Melting pot of stats, recorded before and after every commits.

They are necessary in order to compute any throughput analytics.

val bag_of_stats_base_t : 'a Repr.t -> 'b bag_of_stats_base Repr.t
type store_before = V0.store_before = {
  1. nodes : int;
  2. leafs : int;
  3. skips : int;
  4. depth : int;
  5. width : int;

Stats computed from the tree value passed to the commit operation, before the commit, when the tree still carries the modifications brought by the previous operations.

val store_before_t : store_before Repr.t
type watched_node = [
  1. | `Contracts_index
  2. | `Big_maps_index
  3. | `Rolls_index
  4. | `Rolls_owner_current
  5. | `Commitments
  6. | `Contracts_index_ed25519
  7. | `Contracts_index_originated
val watched_node_t : [ `Big_maps_index | `Commitments | `Contracts_index | `Contracts_index_ed25519 | `Contracts_index_originated | `Rolls_index | `Rolls_owner_current ] Repr.t
val min_watched_node : int
val max_watched_node : int
val watched_node_to_enum : [< `Big_maps_index | `Commitments | `Contracts_index | `Contracts_index_ed25519 | `Contracts_index_originated | `Rolls_index | `Rolls_owner_current ] -> int
val watched_node_of_enum : int -> [> `Big_maps_index | `Commitments | `Contracts_index | `Contracts_index_ed25519 | `Contracts_index_originated | `Rolls_index | `Rolls_owner_current ] option
type store_after = V0.store_after = {
  1. watched_nodes_length : int list;

Stats computed on the tree value passed to the commit operation, after the commit, when the inode has been reconstructed and that Tree.length is now innexpensive to perform.

val store_after_t : store_after Repr.t
type 'pack_stats commit_base = 'pack_stats V0.commit_base = {
  1. duration : float32;
  2. before : 'pack_stats bag_of_stats_base;
  3. after : 'pack_stats bag_of_stats_base;
  4. store_before : store_before;
  5. store_after : store_after;
val commit_base_t : 'a Repr.t -> 'b commit_base Repr.t
type 'pack_stats row_base = [
  1. | `Add of float32
  2. | `Remove of float32
  3. | `Find of float32
  4. | `Mem of float32
  5. | `Mem_tree of float32
  6. | `Checkout of float32
  7. | `Copy of float32
  8. | `Commit of 'pack_stats commit_base
val row_base_t : 'a Repr.t -> [ `Add of int32 | `Checkout of int32 | `Commit of 'a commit_base | `Copy of int32 | `Find of int32 | `Mem of int32 | `Mem_tree of int32 | `Remove of int32 ] Repr.t
type setup_play = unit

Informations gathered from the tezos node.

Noting so far. Any ideas?

val setup_play_t : unit Repr.t
type setup_replay = V0.setup_replay = {
  1. path_conversion : [ `None | `V1 | `V0_and_v1 | `V0 ];
  2. artefacts_dir : string;

Informations gathered from the tree.exe parameters.

val setup_replay_t : setup_replay Repr.t
type config = V0.config = {
  1. inode_config : int * int * int;
  2. store_type : [ `Pack | `Pack_layered | `Pack_mem ];
  3. setup : [ `Play of setup_play | `Replay of setup_replay ];
val config_t : config Repr.t
type 'pack_stats header_base = 'pack_stats V0.header_base = {
  1. config : config;
  2. hostname : string;
  3. timeofday : float;
  4. word_size : int;
  5. initial_stats : 'pack_stats bag_of_stats_base;
val header_base_t : 'a Repr.t -> 'b header_base Repr.t
val version : int
type finds = {
  1. total : int;
  2. from_staging : int;
  3. from_lru : int;
  4. from_pack_direct : int;
  5. from_pack_indexed : int;

Stats extracted from Irmin_pack.Stats.get ().

val finds_t : finds Repr.t
type pack = {
  1. finds : finds;
  2. appended_hashes : int;
  3. appended_offsets : int;
  4. inode_add : int;
  5. inode_remove : int;
  6. inode_of_seq : int;
  7. inode_of_raw : int;
  8. inode_rec_add : int;
  9. inode_rec_remove : int;
  10. inode_to_binv : int;
  11. inode_decode_bin : int;
  12. inode_encode_bin : int;

Stats extracted from Irmin_pack.Stats.get ().

val pack_t : pack Repr.t
type commit = pack commit_base
val commit_t : pack commit_base Repr.t
type bag_of_stats = pack bag_of_stats_base
val bag_of_stats_t : pack bag_of_stats_base Repr.t
type row = pack row_base
val row_t : [ `Add of int32 | `Checkout of int32 | `Commit of pack commit_base | `Copy of int32 | `Find of int32 | `Mem of int32 | `Mem_tree of int32 | `Remove of int32 ] Repr.t
type header = pack header_base
val header_t : pack header_base Repr.t
val v1pack_of_v0pack : V0.pack -> pack
val v1bos_of_v0bos : V0.bag_of_stats -> bag_of_stats
val v1commit_of_v0commit : V0.commit -> commit
val v1row_of_v0row : V0.row -> row
val v1header_of_v0header : V0.header -> header

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