package jerboa

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Jerboa.Header module consists of the type definition of header and also functions working on this type.

Header.t the type definition of header.

val predefined_user_agent : string

Header.predefined_user_agent is the user agent used by Jerboa by default.

val create : unit -> Cohttp.Header.t

Header.create creates an empty header.

val create_with_list : (string * string) list -> Cohttp.Header.t

Header.create_with_list header_content creates a header with the supplied header_content.

val remove : Cohttp.Header.t -> string -> Cohttp.Header.t

Header.remove header key removes the value associated by the key.

val replace : Cohttp.Header.t -> string -> string -> Cohttp.Header.t

Header.replace header key value replaces the value asscotiated by the key with the supplied value argument.

val add : Cohttp.Header.t -> string -> string -> Cohttp.Header.t

Header.add header key value adds a new value associated by the key to the header.

val add_values : Cohttp.Header.t -> string -> string list -> Cohttp.Header.t

Header.add_values header key values adds a list of values with the supplied key argument.

val add_list : Cohttp.Header.t -> (string * string) list -> Cohttp.Header.t

Header.add_list header header_content adds header_content to the header.

val get : Cohttp.Header.t -> string -> string option

Header.get header key gets the value associated by the key.

val get_values : Cohttp.Header.t -> string -> string list

Header.get_values header key returns list of values associated by the key.

val has_key : Cohttp.Header.t -> string -> bool

Header.has_key header key returns true only if the header has the key.

val is_empty : Cohttp.Header.t -> bool

Header.is_empty header returns true if the header is empty.

val is_form : Cohttp.Header.t -> bool

Header.is_form header returns true if the header is made by a form.

val get_cookies : Cohttp.Header.t -> (string * Cohttp.Cookie.Set_cookie_hdr.t) list

Header.get_cookies header gets the cookies from the header.

Header.set_cookie ?version header cookie sets the cookie in the header with the optionaly supplied http version.

val to_string : Cohttp.Header.t -> string

Header.to_string header returns a string representation of the header.

val to_list_string : Cohttp.Header.t -> string list

Header.to_list_string header returns a list of string representation of the header. Lines do not end with /r/n character.


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