package lambda-term

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Terminal manipulation library for OCaml


Dune Dependency





3.2.0 (2022-02-21)

  • Add support for OCaml 5.00 (@kit-ty-kate, #104)

  • The inputrc file has been moved from ~/.config/.lambda-term-inputrc to ~/.config/lambda-term-inputrc The old location will still be accepted until the next major version (@copy, #97)

3.1.0 (2020-05-30)

  • LTerm_read_line and LTerm_vi:

    • vi visual mode

    • register support

3.0.1 (2020-05-06)

  • LTerm_read_line: fix synchronization bug

3.0.0 (2020-04-25)


  • LTerm_editor: two editor modes: default and vi

  • LTerm_read_line: class virtual ['a] term:

    • method editor_mode : LTerm_editor.mode signal: the current editor mode

    • method set_editor_mode : LTerm_editor.mode -> unit: set the current editor mode

Add initial support for vi editing mode to LTerm_read_line:

  • motions:

    • h l 0 ^ $

    • j k gg G

    • w W e E b B ge gE

    • f F t T

    • aw iw aW iW

    • include or inner ( ), [ ], { }, < >, ' and "

    • generic quote: aq? iq? where ? could be any character

    • bracket matching: jump back and forth between matched brakcets

  • delete, change, yank with motions

  • paste: p P

  • line joining: J

Many thanks to @nilsbecker for his feature-request on vi edit mode and the helps during the development on this topic!


  • `LTerm_read_line

    • class virtual ['a] term: the type signature of method private execis changed frommethod private exec : action list -> 'a Lwt.tto?keys : LTerm_key.t list -> action list -> 'a loop_result Lwt.t`

Since this is a private method and is intended to be used internally, the backward-compatibility will not be affected in most cases.


  • Load inputrc file from ~/.config/.lambda-term-inputrc as per XDG conventions (@copy)

2.0.3 (2019-12-31)

LTerm_edit: add horizontal scrolling support for wide width character

2.0.2 (2019-08-09)

LTerm_history: catch and log Zed_string.Invalid exception

2.0.1 (2019-06-17)

  • fix windows build (@db4, #72)

  • expand zchar before writing to windows console (@kandu, #75)

2.0 (2019-05-17)


  • LTerm_draw: type point is redefined to use Zed_char.t as the essential element to support wide, combined glyph

  • functions and methods: change parameter type from UChar.t or Zed_utf8.t to Zed_char.t or Zed_string.t

  • LTerm_text

    • function of_string is renamed to of_utf8

    • function of_string_maybe_invalid is renamed to of_utf8_maybe_invalid

    • the new of_string function is of type Zed_string.t -> t

    • the new of_string_maybe_invalid function is of type Zed_string.t -> t


  • depend on zed 2

  • Lterm_draw, LTerm_widget, LTerm_read_line refactored to support wide, combined glyphs

  • add name to dune-project (Hannes Mehnert, #70)

  • port to dune (Jérémie Dimino, #69)

  • README: Add Travis badge (Kevin Ji, #66)

  • Add travis config (Anurag Soni, #65)

  • opam: update homepage, bug-reports and dev-repo fields (Jérémie Dimino)

1.13 (2018-06-01)

  • Make lambda-term compatible with Lwt 4 and Camomile 1 (#63, @ncihnegn)

1.12 (2017-11-05)

  • Fix: copy & pasting the terminal output doesn't adds many spaces after the end of lines (#52, Deokhwan Kim, fixes diml/utop#186)

  • -safe-string compatibility (#54)

1.11 (2017-04-04)

  • Add history-search-prev and history-search-next (#47, Fabian Hemmer)

  • Allow frame widgets to be labeled (#36, Andrew Ray)

  • Add an alignment setting to label widgets (#36, Andrew Ray)

  • Add scrollbar widgets (#33, Andrew Ray)

  • Improve the lambda-term-inputrc.5 man page (#41, Léon van Velzen)

  • Allow editor widgets to request a specific size and add a "double editor" example (#42, Fabian Bonk)

  • Add ^ to the list of characters recognized in inputrc files (#46, github user zhenya1007)

  • Switch the build to jbuilder

  • Drop compatibility with 4.01

1.10.1 (2016-08-15)

  • fix a race condition in LTerm_read_line. The race would often appear when copy&pasting

1.10 (2016-04-07)

  • add support for editing the current input with an external editor (action edit-with-external-editor), bound to C-x C-e by default

  • add forward search in history (action next-search), bound to M-s by default

  • add support for mouse clicks on widgets (thanks to Andrew Ray)

  • add support for looking up files in XDG locations (thanks to Genki Marshall)

1.9 (2015-06-23)

  • add repl example (Martin DeMello)

  • add support for custom and local bindings

1.8 (2015-01-07)

  • remove use of deprecated Lwt functions

  • add some iTerm2 keys

  • fix some invalid use of react

1.7 (2014-10-20)

  • removed hard dependency on camlp4 (thanks to Peter Zotov)

  • added styled formatters (thanks to Gabriel Radanne)

  • doc fixes

  • Extended widget support (thanks to Alexey Vyskubov):

    • added modal frames

    • added radiobutton and checkbutton

1.6 (2014-04-21)

  • Support for React 1.0.0

  • fix OpenBSD builds

1.5 (2013-08-07)

  • workaround camomile raising the wrong exception for encoding failures

  • add more default keybindings

1.4 (2013-03-26)

  • added C-b, C-f, C-h, M-p, M-n by default

  • fix a segfault when running utop in an emacs terminal buffer

1.3 (2012-10-08)

  • fix the bindings for C-n and C-p

  • binds C-h to delete-prev-char

1.2 (2012-07-30)

  • better handling of newlines in read-line (avoid square selection bug)

  • add a module for managing history

  • use camomile for character encoding (remove iconv dependency)

    • include generated tables for color mappings to speed up the build

    • Windows fixes

      • use unicode version of IO console functions

      • better rendering method for read-line

1.1 (2011-08-06)

  • fix a blinking problem on OS-X

  • bind the kill-{prev,next}-word editing actions

  • bind the undo action

  • add doc for edition actions

  • add LTerm_key.to_string_compact to print keys like emacs

  • use Zed_input for key bindings instead of hash tables

  • add support for macros

  • add the break action to interrupt read-line

  • add manual pages

  • allow to get the current pending key sequence in read-line

  • make the LTerm_read_line.term class more flexible


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