package mirage

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Mirage run-time utilities


val string_of_network_init_error : string -> [> `Unknown of string | `Unimplemented | `Disconnected ] -> string

string_of_network_init_error ifname will generate a helpful string for network interface errors from the ifname interface name and the error constructor.

type log_threshold = [ `All | `Src of string ] * Logs.level

The type for log threshold.

val set_level : default:Logs.level -> log_threshold list -> unit

set_level ~default l set the log levels needed to have all of the log sources appearing in l be used.

module Arg : sig ... end
include module type of Functoria_runtime with module Arg := Arg
module Key : sig ... end

Key defines values that can be set by runtime command-line arguments. This module is the runtime companion of Functoria_key.

val with_argv : unit Cmdliner.Term.t list -> string -> string array -> [> `Error of string | `Ok of unit ]

with_argv keys name argv evaluates the keys terms on the command-line argv. name is the executable name.


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