package multicore-magic

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

This is a library of magic multicore utilities intended for experts for extracting the best possible performance from multicore OCaml.

Hopefully future releases of multicore OCaml will make this library obsolete!

Helpers for using padding to avoid false sharing

val copy_as_padded : 'a -> 'a

Creates a shallow clone of the given object. The clone will have extra padding words added after the last used word.

This is designed to help avoid false sharing. False sharing has a negative impact on multicore performance. Accesses of both atomic and non-atomic locations, whether read-only or read-write, may suffer from false sharing.

The intended use case for this is to pad all long lived objects that are being accessed highly frequently (read or written).

Many kinds of objects can be padded, for example:

let padded_atomic = Multicore_magic.copy_as_padded (Atomic.make 101)

let padded_ref = Multicore_magic.copy_as_padded (ref 42)

let padded_record = Multicore_magic.copy_as_padded {
  number = 76;
  pointer = 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: [];

let padded_variant = Multicore_magic.copy_as_padded (Some 1)

let padded_array = Multicore_magic.copy_as_padded [|3; 1; 4|]

Padding changes the length of an array, see length_of_padded_array.

val make_padded_array : int -> 'a -> 'a array

Creates a padded array. The length of the returned array includes padding. Use length_of_padded_array to get the unpadded length.

val length_of_padded_array : 'a array -> int

Returns the length of a padded array without the padding.

val length_of_padded_array_minus_1 : 'a array -> int

Returns the length of a padded array without the padding minus 1.

Missing Atomic operations

val fenceless_get : 'a Atomic.t -> 'a

Get a value from the atomic without performing an acquire fence.

Consider the following prototypical example of a lock-free algorithm:

let rec prototypical_lock_free_algorithm () =
  let expected = Atomic.get atomic in
  let desired = (* computed from expected *) in
  if not (Atomic.compare_and_set atomic expected desired) then
    (* failure, maybe retry *)
    (* success *)

A potential performance problem with the above example is that it performs two acquire fences. Both the Atomic.get and the Atomic.compare_and_set perform an acquire fence. This may have a negative impact on performance.

Assuming the first fence is not necessary, we can rewrite the example using fenceless_get as follows:

let rec prototypical_lock_free_algorithm () =
  let expected = Multicore_magic.fenceless_get atomic in
  let desired = (* computed from expected *) in
  if not (Atomic.compare_and_set atomic expected desired) then
    (* failure, maybe retry *)
    (* success *)

Now only a single acquire fence is performed by Atomic.compare_and_set and performance may be improved.

val fenceless_set : 'a Atomic.t -> 'a -> unit

Set the value of an atomic without performing a full fence.

Consider the following example:

let new_atomic = Atomic.make dummy_value in
(* prepare data_structure referring to new_atomic *)
Atomic.set new_atomic data_structure;
(* publish the data_structure: *)
Atomic.exchance old_atomic data_structure

A potential performance problem with the above example is that it performs two full fences. Both the Atomic.set used to initialize the data structure and the used to publish the data structure perform a full fence. The same would also apply in cases where Atomic.compare_and_set or Atomic.set would be used to publish the data structure. This may have a negative impact on performance.

Using fenceless_set we can rewrite the example as follows:

let new_atomic = Atomic.make dummy_value in
(* prepare data_structure referring to new_atomic *)
Multicore_magic.fenceless_set new_atomic data_structure;
(* publish the data_structure: *)
Atomic.exchance old_atomic data_structure

Now only a single full fence is performed by and performance may be improved.

val fence : int Atomic.t -> unit

Perform a full acquire-release fence on the given atomic.

fence atomic is equivalent to ignore (Atomic.fetch_and_add atomic 0).


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