package nuscr

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

A Multiparty Session Type representation that is similar to those used in the literature

type 'a cont_list = (Names.LabelName.t * Names.PayloadTypeName.t Base.list * 'a) Base.list
type global =
  1. | BranchG of {
    1. g_br_from : Names.RoleName.t;
    2. g_br_to : Names.RoleName.t;
    3. g_br_cont : global cont_list;

    p -> q : { l_i(S_i) . G_i }_{i \in I}

  2. | MuG of Names.TypeVariableName.t * global

    mu t. G

  3. | TVarG of Names.TypeVariableName.t


  4. | EndG



Global Types with basic features, in a form that is similar to those seen in standard literature. (No choice constructor, all choices are directed)

type local =
  1. | SendL of Names.RoleName.t * local cont_list

    !p { l_i(S_i) . L_i }_{i \in I}

  2. | RecvL of Names.RoleName.t * local cont_list

    ?p { l_i(S_i) . L_i }_{i \in I}

  3. | MuL of Names.TypeVariableName.t * local

    mu t. L

  4. | TVarL of Names.TypeVariableName.t


  5. | EndL


val from_gtype : Gtype.t -> global

Convert from a Gtype.t

val from_ltype : Ltype.t -> local

Convert from a Ltype.t

val show_gtype_mpstk : global -> Base.string

Output a global type in a form recognised by MPSTK.

val show_ltype_mpstk : local -> Base.string

Output a local type in a form recognised by MPSTK.

val show_gtype_tex : global -> Base.string

Output a global type in a tex format using the package mpstmacros.

WARNING: identifiers are provided "as is", manual escaping may be required

val show_ltype_tex : local -> Base.string

Output a local type in a tex format using the package mpstmacros.

WARNING: identifiers are provided "as is", manual escaping may be required


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