package ocamldap

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

New Methods

method is_allowed : string -> bool

Returns true if the attributed specified is allowed by the current set of objectclasses present on the entry.

method is_missing : string -> bool

Returns true if the attribute specified is a must, but is not currently present.

method list_allowed : Setstr.elt list

Return a list of all attributes allowed on the entry (by oid)

method list_missing : Setstr.elt list

Return a list of all missing attributes (by oid)

method list_present : Setstr.elt list

Return a list of all present attributes. In contrast to the attributes method, this method ignores missing required attributes and just returns those attributes which are actually present.

method of_entry : ?scflavor:scflavor -> ldapentry -> unit

Given an Ldap_ooclient.ldapentry copy all of it's data into the current object, and perform a schema check.

  • parameter scflavor

    Default Pessimistic The schema checking bias, see Ldap_ooclient.scflavor

Inherited Methods

method add : op_lst -> unit

Add values to the entry, just as Ldap_ooclient.ldapentry.add, However, after the add is complete the schema checker is run in Optimistic mode. see Ldap_ooclient.scflavor

method delete : op_lst -> unit

Same as Ldap_ooclient.ldapentry.add, except that the schema checker is run in Pessimistic mode after the operation is complete. see Ldap_ooclient.scflavor

method replace : op_lst -> unit

Same as Ldap_ooclient.ldapentry.replace except that once the replace has completed the schema checker is run again in Optimistic mode. See Ldap_ooclient.scflavor

method attributes : string list

Same as Ldap_ooclient.ldapentry.attributes, except that the returned list contains attributes which may not yet exist on the entry. For example musts which are not yet present will be listed.

method exists : string -> bool

Same as Ldap_ooclient.ldapentry.exists except that it refrences attributes which may not yet exist. For example musts which are not yet present.

method get_value : string -> string list

Same as Ldap_ooclient.ldapentry.get_value, except that attributes which do not yet exists may be referenced. For example a must which has not yet been satisfied will return ["required"] when get_value is called on it.

method modify : (Ldap_types.modify_optype * string * string list) list -> unit

Same as Ldap_ooclient.ldapentry.modify except that the schema checker is run in Pessimistic mode after the modification is applied. see Ldap_ooclient.scflavor.

method changes : (Ldap_types.modify_optype * string * string list) list

Same as Ldap_ooclient.ldapentry.changes except that changes made by the schema checker may also be listed.

method changetype : changetype

Same as Ldap_ooclient.ldapentry.changetype

method dn : string

Same as Ldap_ooclient.ldapentry.dn

method flush_changes : unit

Same as Ldap_ooclient.ldapentry.flush_changes

method diff : ldapentry_t -> (Ldap_types.modify_optype * string * string list) list

Same as Ldap_ooclient.ldapentry.diff

method print : unit
  • deprecated

    Same as Ldap_ooclient.ldapentry.print, except that it prints attributes which may not yet be present on the object. For example, if the object has unsatisfied musts, it will print "attrname: required" for that attribute.

method set_changetype : changetype -> unit

Same as Ldap_ooclient.ldapentry.set_changetype

method set_dn : string -> unit

Same as Ldap_ooclient.ldapentry.set_dn


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