Module type
Class type
JSON structure description using dependently typed combinators.
An encoding between an OCaml data type (the parameter) and a JSON representation. To be built using the predefined combinators provided by this module.
For instance, here is an encoding, of type (int * string)
, mapping values of type int * string
to JSON objects with a field code
of whose value is a number and a field message
whose value is a string.
let enc = obj2 (req "code" int) (req "message" string)
This encoding serves three purposes:
1. Output an OCaml value of type 'a
to an intermediate JSON represntation using construct
. To be printed to actual JSON using an external library. The intermediate structure is compatible with Ezjsonm.value
, but Json_repr
provides converters for use with Yojson.Safe.json
. 2. Input a JSON intermediate structure (already parsed with an external library) to produce an OCaml value of type 'a
. 3. Describe this encoding in JSON-schema format for inter-operability: you describe the encoding of your internal types, and obtain machine-readable descriptions of the formats as a byproduct. Specific documentation combinators are provided for that purpose.
val construct : 't encoding -> 't -> [> Json_repr.value ]
Builds a json value from an OCaml value and an encoding.
val destruct : 't encoding -> [< Json_repr.value ] -> 't
Reads an OCaml value from a JSON value and an encoding. May raise Cannot_destruct
val unit : unit encoding
An encoding of an OCaml unit by any (ignored) JSON.
val null : unit encoding
An encoding of an OCaml unit by a JSON null.
val empty : unit encoding
An encoding of an OCaml unit by an empty JSON object.
val int : int encoding
An encoding of an OCaml int by a JSON number.
val int32 : int32 encoding
An encoding of an OCaml int32 by a JSON number.
val bool : bool encoding
An encoding of an OCaml boolean by a JSON one.
val string : string encoding
An encoding of an OCaml string by a JSON one.
val string_enum : (string * 'a) list -> 'a encoding
An encoding of a closed set of OCaml values by JSON strings.
val bytes : bytes encoding
An encoding of an OCaml mutable string by a JSON string.
val float : float encoding
An encoding of an OCaml float by a JSON number.
An encoding of an OCaml option by a nullable JSON value.
A required field of a given its type.
An optional field of a given type, using an OCaml option
An optional field of a given type, ommited when equal to a default value.
An encoding of an OCaml pair by a JSON object with two fields.
An encoding of an OCaml triple by a JSON object with three fields.
An encoding of an OCaml quadruple by a JSON object with four fields.
val obj5 :
'f1 field ->
'f2 field ->
'f3 field ->
'f4 field ->
'f5 field ->
('f1 * 'f2 * 'f3 * 'f4 * 'f5) encoding
An encoding of an OCaml quintuple by a JSON object with five fields.
val obj6 :
'f1 field ->
'f2 field ->
'f3 field ->
'f4 field ->
'f5 field ->
'f6 field ->
('f1 * 'f2 * 'f3 * 'f4 * 'f5 * 'f6) encoding
An encoding of an OCaml sextuple by a JSON object with six fields.
val obj7 :
'f1 field ->
'f2 field ->
'f3 field ->
'f4 field ->
'f5 field ->
'f6 field ->
'f7 field ->
('f1 * 'f2 * 'f3 * 'f4 * 'f5 * 'f6 * 'f7) encoding
An encoding of an OCaml septuple by a JSON object with seven fields.
val obj8 :
'f1 field ->
'f2 field ->
'f3 field ->
'f4 field ->
'f5 field ->
'f6 field ->
'f7 field ->
'f8 field ->
('f1 * 'f2 * 'f3 * 'f4 * 'f5 * 'f6 * 'f7 * 'f8) encoding
An encoding of an OCaml octuple by a JSON object with eight fields.
val obj9 :
'f1 field ->
'f2 field ->
'f3 field ->
'f4 field ->
'f5 field ->
'f6 field ->
'f7 field ->
'f8 field ->
'f9 field ->
('f1 * 'f2 * 'f3 * 'f4 * 'f5 * 'f6 * 'f7 * 'f8 * 'f9) encoding
An encoding of an OCaml nonuple by a JSON object with nine fields.
val obj10 :
'f1 field ->
'f2 field ->
'f3 field ->
'f4 field ->
'f5 field ->
'f6 field ->
'f7 field ->
'f8 field ->
'f9 field ->
'f10 field ->
('f1 * 'f2 * 'f3 * 'f4 * 'f5 * 'f6 * 'f7 * 'f8 * 'f9 * 'f10) encoding
An encoding of an OCaml decuple by a JSON object with ten fields.
An encoding of an OCaml associative list by a JSON object.
An encoding of an OCaml pair by a JSON array with two cells.
An encoding of an OCaml triple by a JSON array with three cells.
val tup4 :
'f1 encoding ->
'f2 encoding ->
'f3 encoding ->
'f4 encoding ->
('f1 * 'f2 * 'f3 * 'f4) encoding
An encoding of an OCaml quadruple by a JSON array with four cells.
val tup5 :
'f1 encoding ->
'f2 encoding ->
'f3 encoding ->
'f4 encoding ->
'f5 encoding ->
('f1 * 'f2 * 'f3 * 'f4 * 'f5) encoding
An encoding of an OCaml quintuple by a JSON array with five cells.
val tup6 :
'f1 encoding ->
'f2 encoding ->
'f3 encoding ->
'f4 encoding ->
'f5 encoding ->
'f6 encoding ->
('f1 * 'f2 * 'f3 * 'f4 * 'f5 * 'f6) encoding
An encoding of an OCaml sextuple by a JSON array with six cells.
val tup7 :
'f1 encoding ->
'f2 encoding ->
'f3 encoding ->
'f4 encoding ->
'f5 encoding ->
'f6 encoding ->
'f7 encoding ->
('f1 * 'f2 * 'f3 * 'f4 * 'f5 * 'f6 * 'f7) encoding
An encoding of an OCaml septuple by a JSON array with seven cells.
val tup8 :
'f1 encoding ->
'f2 encoding ->
'f3 encoding ->
'f4 encoding ->
'f5 encoding ->
'f6 encoding ->
'f7 encoding ->
'f8 encoding ->
('f1 * 'f2 * 'f3 * 'f4 * 'f5 * 'f6 * 'f7 * 'f8) encoding
An encoding of an OCaml octuple by a JSON array with eight cells.
val tup9 :
'f1 encoding ->
'f2 encoding ->
'f3 encoding ->
'f4 encoding ->
'f5 encoding ->
'f6 encoding ->
'f7 encoding ->
'f8 encoding ->
'f9 encoding ->
('f1 * 'f2 * 'f3 * 'f4 * 'f5 * 'f6 * 'f7 * 'f8 * 'f9) encoding
An encoding of an OCaml nonuple by a JSON array with nine cells.
val tup10 :
'f1 encoding ->
'f2 encoding ->
'f3 encoding ->
'f4 encoding ->
'f5 encoding ->
'f6 encoding ->
'f7 encoding ->
'f8 encoding ->
'f9 encoding ->
'f10 encoding ->
('f1 * 'f2 * 'f3 * 'f4 * 'f5 * 'f6 * 'f7 * 'f8 * 'f9 * 'f10) encoding
An encoding of an OCaml decuple by a JSON array with ten cells.
Merge two tuple encoding
s. For describing heavyweight arrays with a lot of cells. The ocaml type is a pair of tuples, but the JSON array is flat, with the elements of the first tuple before the ones of the second. Both arguments must be tuple encodings, otherwise a future construct
, destruct
or schema
will fail with Invalid_argument
To be used inside a union
. Takes a encoding
for a specific case, and a converter to and from a type common to all cases ('t
). Usually, it consists in boxing / deboxing the specific data in an OCaml sum type contructor.
val custom :
('t -> Json_repr.value) ->
(Json_repr.value -> 't) ->
schema:Json_schema.schema ->
't encoding
An encoding of a custom OCaml type by a JSON representation, given both custom conversion functions and a JSON schema description. The second transformer function can raise (Cannot_destruct ([], "message"))
to indicate an error, which will be relocated correctly.
val conv :
('a -> 'b) ->
('b -> 'a) ->
?schema:Json_schema.schema ->
'b encoding ->
'a encoding
An encoding adapter, with an optional handwritten schema. The second transformer function can raise (Cannot_destruct ([], "message"))
to indicate an error, which will be relocated correctly.
A fixpoint combinator. Links a recursive OCaml type to an internal JSON schema reference, by allowing to use the encoding inside its own definition. The first parameter is a path, that must be unique and respect the format of Json_schema.add_definition
. It is used to encode the recursivity as a named reference in the JSON schema.
Here is an example to turn a standard OCaml list into either "nil"
for []
or {"hd":hd,"tl":tl}
for hd::tl
let reclist itemencoding =
mu "list" @@ fun self ->
[ case (string_enum [ "nil", () ])
(function [] -> Some () | _ :: _ -> None)
(fun () -> []) ;
case (obj2 (req "hd" itemencoding) (req "tl" self))
(function hd :: tl -> Some (hd, tl) | [] -> None)
(fun (hd, tl) -> hd :: tl) ])
val any_value : Json_repr.value encoding
A raw JSON value.
val any_schema : Json_schema.schema encoding
The encoding of a JSON schema, linked to its OCaml definiton.
s as JSON schemasval schema : 't encoding -> Json_schema.schema
Describe an encoding in JSON schema format. May raise Bad_schema
Annotate a type with a title and description for the JSON schema.
Name a definition so its occurences can be shared in the JSON schema. The first parameter is a path, that must be unique and respect the format of Json_schema.add_definition
exception Cannot_destruct of Json_repr.path * exn
Exception raised by destructors, with the location in the original JSON structure and the specific error.
val print_error :
?print_unknown:(Format.formatter -> exn -> unit) ->
Format.formatter ->
exn ->
Produces a human readable version of an error.