package odig

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Dot graph generation.

Note. No support for ports. Should be too hard to add though.


Generation sequences

type 'a seq

The type for sequences.

val empty : 'a seq

An empty sequence.

val (++) : 'a seq -> 'a seq -> 'a seq

s ++ s' is sequence s' concatenated to s.


type id = string

The type for ids, they can be any string and are escaped.

type st

The type for dot statements.

type att

The type for dot attributes.

type t

The type for dot graphs.

val edge : ?atts:att seq -> id -> id -> st seq

edge ~atts id id' is an edge from id to id' with attribute atts if specified.

val node : ?atts:att seq -> id -> st seq

nod ~atts id is a node with id id and attributes atts if specified.

val atts : [ `Graph | `Node | `Edge ] -> att seq -> st seq

atts kind atts are attributes atts for kind.

val att : string -> string -> att seq

att k v is attribute k with value v.

val label : string -> att seq

label l is label attribute l.

val color : string -> att seq

color c is a color attribute l.

val subgraph : ?id:id -> st seq -> st seq

subgraph ~id sts is subgraph id (default unlabelled) with statements sts.

val graph : ?id:id -> ?strict:bool -> [ `Graph | `Digraph ] -> st seq -> t

graph ~id ~strict g sts is according to g a graph or digraph id (default unlabelled) with statements sts. If strict is true (defaults to false) multi-edges are not created.


val buffer_add : Buffer.t -> t -> unit

buffer_add b g adds the dot graph g to b.

val to_string : t -> string

to_string g is the dot graph g as a string.

val output : Pervasives.out_channel -> t -> unit

output oc g outputs the dot graph g on oc.


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