package pfff

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type token = Parser_cpp.token
val pp : unit -> (Parser_cpp.token, [> `Lexeme_matched of string | `Obj_EOF of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TAnd of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TAndLog of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TAny_Action of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TAssign of Cst_cpp.assignOp | `Obj_TBang of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TCBrace of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TCCro of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TCCro_new of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TCPar of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TCPar_EOL of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TChar of string Cst_cpp.wrap * Cst_cpp.isWchar | `Obj_TCol of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TColCol of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TColCol_BeforeTypedef of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TComma of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TComment of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TCommentNewline of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TCommentNewline_DefineEndOfMacro of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TCommentSpace of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TComment_Cpp of Token_cpp.cpluspluscommentkind * Parse_info.t | `Obj_TComment_Pp of Token_cpp.cppcommentkind * Parse_info.t | `Obj_TCppDirectiveOther of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TCppEscapedNewline of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TDec of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TDefParamVariadic of Cst_cpp.ident | `Obj_TDefine of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TDiv of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TDot of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TDotStar of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TEllipsis of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TEndif of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TEq of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TEqEq of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TFloat of string Cst_cpp.wrap * Cst_cpp.floatType | `Obj_TIdent of Cst_cpp.ident | `Obj_TIdent_ClassnameInQualifier of Cst_cpp.ident | `Obj_TIdent_ClassnameInQualifier_BeforeTypedef of Cst_cpp.ident | `Obj_TIdent_Constructor of Cst_cpp.ident | `Obj_TIdent_Define of Cst_cpp.ident | `Obj_TIdent_MacroDecl of Cst_cpp.ident | `Obj_TIdent_MacroIterator of Cst_cpp.ident | `Obj_TIdent_MacroStmt of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TIdent_MacroString of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TIdent_Templatename of Cst_cpp.ident | `Obj_TIdent_TemplatenameInQualifier of Cst_cpp.ident | `Obj_TIdent_TemplatenameInQualifier_BeforeTypedef of Cst_cpp.ident | `Obj_TIdent_Typedef of Cst_cpp.ident | `Obj_TIdent_TypedefConstr of Cst_cpp.ident | `Obj_TIfdef of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TIfdefBool of bool * Parse_info.t | `Obj_TIfdefMisc of bool * Parse_info.t | `Obj_TIfdefVersion of bool * Parse_info.t | `Obj_TIfdefelif of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TIfdefelse of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TInc of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TInclude of string * string * Parse_info.t | `Obj_TInf of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TInfEq of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TInf_Template of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TInt of string Cst_cpp.wrap | `Obj_TInt_ZeroVirtual of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TMinus of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TMod of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TMul of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TNotEq of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TOBrace of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TOBrace_DefineInit of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TOCro of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TOCro_Lambda of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TOCro_new of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TOPar of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TOPar_CplusplusInit of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TOPar_Define of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TOr of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TOrLog of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TPlus of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TPtVirg of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TPtrOp of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TPtrOpStar of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TShl of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TShr of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TString of string Cst_cpp.wrap * Cst_cpp.isWchar | `Obj_TSup of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TSupEq of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TSup_Template of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TTilde of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TUndef of Cst_cpp.ident | `Obj_TUnknown of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TWhy of Parse_info.t | `Obj_TXor of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tasm of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tattribute of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tauto of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tbool of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tbool_Constr of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tbreak of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tcase of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tcatch of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tchar of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tchar_Constr of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tclass of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tconst of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tconst_MacroDeclConst of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tconst_cast of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tconstexpr of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tcontinue of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tdecltype of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tdefault of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tdelete of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tdo of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tdouble of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tdouble_Constr of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tdynamic_cast of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Telse of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tenum of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Texplicit of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Textern of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tfalse of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tfloat of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tfloat_Constr of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tfor of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tfriend of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tgoto of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tif of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tinline of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tint of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tint_Constr of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tlong of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tlong_Constr of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tmutable of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tnamespace of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tnew of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tnullptr of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Toperator of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tprivate of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tprotected of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tpublic of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tregister of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Treinterpret_cast of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Trestrict of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Treturn of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tshort of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tshort_Constr of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tsigned of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tsigned_Constr of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tsizeof of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tstatic of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tstatic_cast of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tstruct of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tswitch of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Ttemplate of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tthis of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tthread_local of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tthrow of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Ttrue of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Ttry of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Ttypedef of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Ttypeid of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Ttypename of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Ttypeof of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tunion of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tunsigned of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tunsigned_Constr of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tusing of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tvirtual of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tvoid of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Tvolatile of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Twchar_t of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Twchar_t_Constr of Parse_info.t | `Obj_Twhile of Parse_info.t | `Obj_abstract_declarator of Cst_cpp.type_ -> Cst_cpp.type_ | `Obj_access_specifier of Cst_cpp.access_spec Cst_cpp.wrap | `Obj_action_higherordermacro of Cst_cpp.action_macro | `Obj_additive_expr of Cst_cpp.constExpression | `Obj_and_expr of Cst_cpp.constExpression | `Obj_argument of Cst_cpp.argument | `Obj_argument_list of Cst_cpp.argument Cst_cpp.comma_list | `Obj_argument_list_opt of Cst_cpp.argument Cst_cpp.comma_list | `Obj_asm_definition of Cst_cpp.block_declaration | `Obj_asm_expr of Cst_cpp.constExpression | `Obj_asmbody of Cst_cpp.asmbody | `Obj_assign_expr of Cst_cpp.constExpression | `Obj_assign_expr_opt of Cst_cpp.constExpression option | `Obj_base_clause of Cst_cpp.tok * Cst_cpp.base_clause Cst_cpp.comma_list | `Obj_base_clause_opt of (Cst_cpp.tok * Cst_cpp.base_clause Cst_cpp.comma_list) option | `Obj_base_specifier of Cst_cpp.base_clause | `Obj_base_specifier_list of Cst_cpp.base_clause Cst_cpp.comma_list | `Obj_basic_type_2 of Cst_cpp.typeC | `Obj_block_declaration of Cst_cpp.block_declaration | `Obj_braced_init_list of Cst_cpp.initialiser Cst_cpp.comma_list Cst_cpp.brace | `Obj_capture of unit | `Obj_capture_default of unit | `Obj_capture_list of unit | `Obj_cast_constructor_expr of Cst_cpp.constExpression | `Obj_cast_expr of Cst_cpp.constExpression | `Obj_cast_operator_expr of Cst_cpp.constExpression | `Obj_class_head of Cst_cpp.structUnion Cst_cpp.wrap * Cst_cpp.ident_name option * (Cst_cpp.tok * Cst_cpp.base_clause Cst_cpp.comma_list) option | `Obj_class_key of Cst_cpp.structUnion Cst_cpp.wrap | `Obj_class_name of Cst_cpp.class_name | `Obj_class_or_namespace_name_for_qualifier of Cst_cpp.qualifier | `Obj_class_or_namespace_name_for_qualifier2 of Cst_cpp.qualifier | `Obj_class_specifier of Cst_cpp.class_definition | `Obj_colon_asm of Cst_cpp.colon | `Obj_colon_asm_list of Cst_cpp.colon list | `Obj_colon_option of Cst_cpp.colon_option | `Obj_colon_option_list of Cst_cpp.colon_option Cst_cpp.comma_list | `Obj_comma_opt of Parse_info.t list | `Obj_compound of Cst_cpp.compound | `Obj_cond_expr of Cst_cpp.constExpression | `Obj_condition of Cst_cpp.expr | `Obj_const_expr of Cst_cpp.constExpression | `Obj_const_opt of Cst_cpp.tok option | `Obj_conversion_declarator of unit | `Obj_conversion_function_id of Cst_cpp.ident_or_op | `Obj_conversion_type_id of Cst_cpp.type_ | `Obj_cpp_cast_operator of Cst_cpp.cast_operator Cst_cpp.wrap | `Obj_cpp_directive of Cst_cpp.cpp_directive | `Obj_cpp_ifdef_directive of Cst_cpp.ifdef_directive | `Obj_cpp_other of Cst_cpp.toplevel | `Obj_ctor_dtor of Cst_cpp.declaration | `Obj_ctor_dtor_member of Cst_cpp.class_member | `Obj_ctor_mem_initializer_list_opt of unit | `Obj_ctor_spec of unit | `Obj_cv_qualif of Cst_cpp.typeQualifier | `Obj_cv_qualif_list of Parser_cpp_mly_helper.decl | `Obj_decl_spec of Parser_cpp_mly_helper.decl -> Parser_cpp_mly_helper.decl | `Obj_decl_spec_seq of Parser_cpp_mly_helper.decl | `Obj_declaration of Cst_cpp.declaration | `Obj_declaration_list of Cst_cpp.declaration_sequencable list | `Obj_declaration_list_opt of Cst_cpp.declaration_sequencable list | `Obj_declaration_seq of Cst_cpp.declaration_sequencable | `Obj_declaration_seq2 of Cst_cpp.toplevel list | `Obj_declaration_statement of Cst_cpp.stmt | `Obj_declarator of * (Cst_cpp.type_ -> Cst_cpp.type_) | `Obj_declarator_id of | `Obj_declaratori of * (Cst_cpp.type_ -> Cst_cpp.type_) | `Obj_decltype_specifier of Parse_info.t | `Obj_define_val of Cst_cpp.define_val | `Obj_delete_expr of Cst_cpp.constExpression | `Obj_designator of Cst_cpp.designator | `Obj_designator_list of Cst_cpp.designator list | `Obj_direct_abstract_declarator of Cst_cpp.type_ -> Cst_cpp.type_ | `Obj_direct_d of * (Cst_cpp.type_ -> Cst_cpp.type_) | `Obj_direct_new_declarator of unit | `Obj_dtor_spec of unit | `Obj_elaborated_type_specifier of (Cst_cpp.sign, Parser_cpp_mly_helper.shortLong, Cst_cpp.typeC) Common.either3 * Cst_cpp.tok list | `Obj_enum_head of Cst_cpp.tok | `Obj_enum_name_or_typedef_name_or_simple_class_name of Cst_cpp.ident | `Obj_enum_specifier of Cst_cpp.typeC | `Obj_enumerator of Cst_cpp.enum_elem | `Obj_enumerator_list of Cst_cpp.enum_elem Cst_cpp.comma_list | `Obj_equality_expr of Cst_cpp.constExpression | `Obj_exception_decl of Cst_cpp.exception_declaration | `Obj_exception_specification of Cst_cpp.exn_spec | `Obj_exclusive_or_expr of Cst_cpp.constExpression | `Obj_exn_name of | `Obj_exn_spec_opt of Cst_cpp.exn_spec option | `Obj_explicit_specialization of Cst_cpp.declaration | `Obj_expr of Cst_cpp.expr | `Obj_expr_opt of Cst_cpp.expr option | `Obj_expr_statement of Cst_cpp.expr option * | `Obj_field_declaration of Cst_cpp.fieldkind Cst_cpp.comma_list * Cst_cpp.tok | `Obj_for_init_stmt of Cst_cpp.expr option * | `Obj_for_range_decl of unit | `Obj_for_range_init of unit | `Obj_function_body of Cst_cpp.compound | `Obj_function_definition of Cst_cpp.func_definition | `Obj_function_spec of Cst_cpp._func_specifier * Cst_cpp.tok | `Obj_gcc_asm_decl of unit | `Obj_gcc_comma_opt of Parse_info.t list | `Obj_gcc_comma_opt_struct of Parse_info.t option | `Obj_handler of Cst_cpp.handler | `Obj_handler_list of Cst_cpp.handler list | `Obj_id_expression of (Cst_cpp.qualifier * Cst_cpp.tok) list * Cst_cpp.ident_or_op | `Obj_ident of Cst_cpp.ident | `Obj_inclusive_or_expr of Cst_cpp.constExpression | `Obj_init_declarator of ( * (Cst_cpp.type_ -> Cst_cpp.type_)) * Cst_cpp.init option | `Obj_init_declarator_list of ((( * (Cst_cpp.type_ -> Cst_cpp.type_)) * Cst_cpp.init option) * Cst_cpp.tok list) list | `Obj_initialize2 of Cst_cpp.initialiser | `Obj_initialize_list of Cst_cpp.initialiser Cst_cpp.wrapx list | `Obj_initializer_clause of Cst_cpp.initialiser | `Obj_inline_opt of Parse_info.t option | `Obj_iteration of Cst_cpp.stmt | `Obj_jump of Cst_cpp.jump | `Obj_labeled of Cst_cpp.stmt | `Obj_lambda_capture of unit | `Obj_lambda_introducer of Cst_cpp.tok | `Obj_linkage_specification of Cst_cpp.declaration | `Obj_literal of Cst_cpp.constExpression | `Obj_logical_and_expr of Cst_cpp.constExpression | `Obj_logical_or_expr of Cst_cpp.constExpression | `Obj_main of Cst_cpp.program | `Obj_mem_initializer of unit | `Obj_mem_initializer_id of unit | `Obj_mem_initializer_list of (unit * Parse_info.t list) list | `Obj_member_declaration of Cst_cpp.class_member | `Obj_member_declarator of Cst_cpp.type_ -> -> Cst_cpp.fieldkind | `Obj_member_declarator_list of ((Cst_cpp.type_ -> -> Cst_cpp.fieldkind) * Cst_cpp.tok list) list | `Obj_member_specification of Cst_cpp.class_member_sequencable list | `Obj_member_specification_opt of Cst_cpp.class_member_sequencable list | `Obj_multiplicative_expr of Cst_cpp.constExpression | `Obj_named_namespace_definition of Cst_cpp.declaration | `Obj_namespace_alias_definition of Cst_cpp.block_declaration | `Obj_namespace_definition of Cst_cpp.declaration | `Obj_namespace_name of Cst_cpp.ident | `Obj_nested_name_specifier of (Cst_cpp.qualifier * Cst_cpp.tok) list | `Obj_nested_name_specifier2 of (Cst_cpp.qualifier * Cst_cpp.tok) list | `Obj_nested_name_specifier_opt of (Cst_cpp.qualifier * Cst_cpp.tok) list | `Obj_nested_name_specifier_opt2 of (Cst_cpp.qualifier * Cst_cpp.tok) list | `Obj_new_declarator of unit | `Obj_new_expr of Cst_cpp.constExpression | `Obj_new_initializer of Cst_cpp.argument Cst_cpp.comma_list Cst_cpp.paren | `Obj_new_initializer_opt of Cst_cpp.argument Cst_cpp.comma_list Cst_cpp.paren option | `Obj_new_placement of Cst_cpp.argument Cst_cpp.comma_list Cst_cpp.paren | `Obj_new_placement_opt of Cst_cpp.argument Cst_cpp.comma_list Cst_cpp.paren option | `Obj_new_type_id of Cst_cpp.type_ | `Obj_operator_function_id of Cst_cpp.ident_or_op | `Obj_operator_kind of Cst_cpp.operator * Cst_cpp.tok list | `Obj_param_define of Cst_cpp.ident | `Obj_param_define_list_opt of string Cst_cpp.wrap Cst_cpp.comma_list | `Obj_parameter_decl of Cst_cpp.template_parameter | `Obj_parameter_decl2 of Cst_cpp.template_parameter | `Obj_parameter_list of Cst_cpp.template_parameter Cst_cpp.comma_list | `Obj_parameter_type_list of Cst_cpp.template_parameter Cst_cpp.comma_list * (Cst_cpp.tok * Cst_cpp.tok) option | `Obj_parameter_type_list_opt of (Cst_cpp.template_parameter Cst_cpp.comma_list * (Cst_cpp.tok * Cst_cpp.tok) option) option | `Obj_pm_expr of Cst_cpp.constExpression | `Obj_pointer of Cst_cpp.type_ -> Cst_cpp.type_ | `Obj_postfix_expr of Cst_cpp.constExpression | `Obj_primary_cplusplus_id of Cst_cpp.constExpression | `Obj_primary_expr of Cst_cpp.constExpression | `Obj_ptr_operator of unit | `Obj_qualified_id of (Cst_cpp.qualifier * Cst_cpp.tok) list * Cst_cpp.ident_or_op | `Obj_relational_expr of Cst_cpp.constExpression | `Obj_selection of Cst_cpp.stmt | `Obj_sgrep_spatch_pattern of Cst_cpp.any | `Obj_shift_expr of Cst_cpp.constExpression | `Obj_simple_declaration of Cst_cpp.block_declaration | `Obj_simple_type_specifier of (Cst_cpp.sign, Parser_cpp_mly_helper.shortLong, Cst_cpp.typeC) Common.either3 * Cst_cpp.tok list | `Obj_spec_qualif_list of Parser_cpp_mly_helper.decl | `Obj_statement of Cst_cpp.stmt | `Obj_statement_list of Cst_cpp.stmt list | `Obj_statement_list_opt of Cst_cpp.stmt_sequencable list | `Obj_statement_seq of Cst_cpp.stmt_sequencable | `Obj_statement_seq_list of Cst_cpp.stmt_sequencable list | `Obj_storage_class_spec of | `Obj_string_elem of string Cst_cpp.wrap | `Obj_string_list of string Cst_cpp.wrap list | `Obj_taction_list of Cst_cpp.tok list | `Obj_tcolcol_opt of Cst_cpp.tok option | `Obj_template_argument of Cst_cpp.template_argument | `Obj_template_argument_list of Cst_cpp.template_argument Cst_cpp.comma_list | `Obj_template_declaration of Cst_cpp.tok * Cst_cpp.template_parameters * Cst_cpp.declaration | `Obj_template_id of Cst_cpp.ident_or_op | `Obj_template_opt of Parse_info.t list | `Obj_template_parameter of Cst_cpp.template_parameter | `Obj_template_parameter_list of Cst_cpp.template_parameter Cst_cpp.comma_list | `Obj_toplevel of Cst_cpp.toplevel option | `Obj_toplevel_aux of Cst_cpp.toplevel | `Obj_translation_unit of Cst_cpp.program | `Obj_try_block of Cst_cpp.stmt | `Obj_type_cplusplus_id of | `Obj_type_id of Cst_cpp.type_ | `Obj_type_name of Cst_cpp.ident_or_op | `Obj_type_spec of (Cst_cpp.sign, Parser_cpp_mly_helper.shortLong, Cst_cpp.typeC) Common.either3 * Cst_cpp.tok list | `Obj_typename_opt of Parse_info.t list | `Obj_unary_expr of Cst_cpp.constExpression | `Obj_unary_op of Cst_cpp.unaryOp Cst_cpp.wrap | `Obj_unnamed_namespace_definition of Cst_cpp.declaration | `Obj_unqualified_id of Cst_cpp.ident_or_op | `Obj_using_declaration of Cst_cpp.tok * * | `Obj_using_directive of Cst_cpp.block_declaration | `Obj_void_opt of Cst_cpp.tok option | `Obj_volatile_opt of Cst_cpp.tok option ], unit, unit, Lexing.lexbuf) Dyp.parser_pilot
val sgrep_spatch_pattern : ?global_data:unit -> ?local_data:unit -> (Lexing.lexbuf -> Parser_cpp.token) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> (Cst_cpp.any * string) list
val toplevel : ?global_data:unit -> ?local_data:unit -> (Lexing.lexbuf -> Parser_cpp.token) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> (Cst_cpp.toplevel option * string) list
val main : ?global_data:unit -> ?local_data:unit -> (Lexing.lexbuf -> Parser_cpp.token) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> (Cst_cpp.program * string) list

Innovation. Community. Security.