package phylogenetics

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type symbol = t
include Linear_algebra.Vector with type t = vector
type t = vector
val length : t -> int
val inplace_scal_mul : float -> t -> unit

Scalar-vector product (in-place).

val scal_mul : float -> t -> t

Scalar-vector product

val scal_add : float -> t -> t

Scalar-vector addition.

val add : t -> t -> t

Vector addition.

val mul : t -> t -> t

Element-wise product of two vectors.

val log : t -> t

Element-wise logarithm of vector

val exp : t -> t

Element-wise exponential of matrix

val min : t -> float

Minimum element in a vector.

val max : t -> float

Maximum element in a vector.

val robust_equal : tol:float -> t -> t -> bool
val to_array : t -> float array
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Prints a vector to the standard output.

val init : (symbol -> float) -> vector
val map : vector -> f:(float -> float) -> vector
val mapi : vector -> f:(symbol -> float -> float) -> vector
val map2 : vector -> vector -> f:(float -> float -> float) -> vector
val fold : vector -> init:'a -> f:('a -> float -> 'a) -> 'a
val foldi : vector -> init:'a -> f:(symbol -> 'a -> float -> 'a) -> 'a
val iteri : vector -> f:(symbol -> float -> unit) -> unit
val sum : vector -> float
val normalize : vector -> vector
val of_array : float array -> vector option
val of_array_exn : float array -> vector
val upcast_exn : Linear_algebra.vec -> vector
val get : t -> symbol -> float
val set : t -> symbol -> float -> unit

Innovation. Community. Security.