package phylogenetics

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module Alignment : sig ... end

A representation for sequence alignments

module Alphabet : sig ... end

Integer-based representation of sequence alphabets

module Amino_acid : sig ... end

Integer-based representation for amino acids

module Birth_death : sig ... end

Simulation for birth-death models

module Bppsuite : sig ... end

Utility functions to call programs from the Bio++ library

module Codon : sig ... end

Abstract representations of codons and genetic codes

module Discrete_pd : sig ... end

Updatable discrete probability distribution

module Dna : sig ... end

Strings that represent valid DNA sequences

module Felsenstein : sig ... end

Deprecated, see Phylo_ctmc. Functions that implement Felsenstein's "pruning" algorithm to compute likelihood of phylogenetic trees with known sequences at leaves.

module Fitch : sig ... end

Phylogenetic inference by parcimony

module ID_monad : sig ... end

A state monad to generate integer identifiers

module Iupac_nucleotide : sig ... end

Nucleotide IUPAC symbol

module Linear_algebra : sig ... end

This modules wraps linear algebra functions

module Linear_algebra_tools : sig ... end

Deprecated, see Linear_algebra. This modules wraps linear algebra functions (from Lacaml) and provide a few completely new functions (such as exponentiation)

module List1 : sig ... end

Lists with at least one element

module MCMC : sig ... end

Deprecated. A simple implementation of the Monte Carlo Markov Chain algorithm

module MG94 : sig ... end

Codon rate matrix from Muse and Gaut 94

module Mutsel : sig ... end

Mutation-selection model for codons

module Nelder_mead : sig ... end

An implementation of Nelder-Mead algorithm for function optimization

module Newick : sig ... end
module Newick_ast : sig ... end
module Newick_lexer : sig ... end
module Newick_parser : sig ... end
module Newick_parser_errors : sig ... end
module Nucleotide : sig ... end

A single DNA base

module Nucleotide_process : sig ... end

A representation of classical parametric processes on nucleotides

module Phylip : sig ... end

Parsing for the PHYLIP format

module Phylo_ctmc : sig ... end

Likelihood calculations for continuous-time Markov chain along a tree

module Phylogenetic_tree : sig ... end

Module for phylogenetic trees.

module Rate_matrix : sig ... end

Continuous Time Markov Chain rate matrix

module Rejection_sampling : sig ... end

Deprecated. Utility functions for rejection sampling

module Seq : sig ... end

Module for sequences of bases. Provides a functor to build the module for any base module with the BASE signature.

module Sequence_generation : sig ... end

Deprecated. Simulation functions for sequences

module Sequence_simulator : sig ... end

Functions to simulate sequences

module Sigs : sig ... end

Compilation of module signatures used elsewhere.

module Simulator : sig ... end
module Site_evolution_model : sig ... end

Deprecated. Compilation of modules implementing evolution models and providing relevant mathematical procedure (eg, exponential of transition matrix); also includes functors to build models from transition matrices.

module Stat_tools : sig ... end

Probability and statistics tools (eg, samplers and distribution handling).

module TKF91 : sig ... end

Simulator for alignments with indels under the model by Thorne, Kishino and Felsenstein.

module Tree : sig ... end

Tree structure with annotations on leaves, internal nodes and branches.

module Utils : sig ... end
module Wag : sig ... end

WAG matrix parser

module Zipper : sig ... end

Zipper type for fast operations on large phylogenetic trees.


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