package ppx_deriving

  1. Overview
  2. No Docs
Type-driven code generation for OCaml >=4.02


Dune Dependency






ppx_deriving provides common infrastructure for generating code based on type definitions, and a set of useful plugins for common tasks.



Published: 17 Feb 2016

Dependencies (4)

  1. ocamlfind build & >= "1.5.4"
  2. ppx_tools >= "0.99.2"
  3. ocamlbuild build
  4. ocaml >= "4.02.1" & < "4.03"

Dev Dependencies (1)

  1. ounit with-test

  1. amf
  2. ansi-parse < "0.4.0"
  3. archetype < "1.0.0" | >= "1.2.1"
  4. argon2 < "1.0.0"
  5. async-zmq >= "0.3.0"
  6. bap-frames < "2.1.1"
  7. biocaml >= "0.4.0" & < "0.7.0"
  8. biotk
  9. bistro = "0.2.0"
  10. bookaml >= "3.1"
  11. boomerang
  12. bpf
  13. builder-web >= "0.2.0"
  14. bulletml
  15. camlhighlight >= "4.0"
  16. cbat-tools
  17. cbat-vsa
  18. cconv-ppx
  19. charrua-core >= "0.3" & < "0.6"
  20. checked_oint
  21. clangml = "4.0.0beta1"
  22. coclobas
  23. cohttp >= "0.20.1" & < "0.99.0"
  24. comby
  25. comby-kernel
  26. comby-semantic
  27. conduit = "0.15.4"
  28. cookies
  29. current
  30. current_docker
  31. current_git
  32. current_ocluster
  33. dap
  34. datakit-ci < "0.10.0"
  35. diff
  36. dns = "0.19.1"
  37. dockerfile >= "1.3.0" & < "3.0.0"
  38. dune-expand
  39. electrod < "0.1.6" | >= "0.5"
  40. eliom >= "6.0.0"
  41. elpi < "1.13.2"
  42. embedded_ocaml_templates = "0.5.1"
  43. equinoxe >= "0.2.0"
  44. errpy
  45. farith
  46. flow_parser >= "0.80.0"
  47. flowtype >= "0.78.0"
  48. forester
  49. frama-c >= "25.0~beta"
  50. fred
  51. fstar >= ""
  52. gdb
  53. git-split
  54. git_split
  55. gobba
  56. goblint < "2.4.0"
  57. grpc
  58. hack_parallel
  59. hockmd
  60. http-multipart-formdata >= "2.0.0"
  61. ibx >= "0.8.1"
  62. icalendar
  63. idd
  64. irmin-bench >= "2.7.0"
  65. jhupllib
  66. js_of_ocaml-ppx_deriving_json < "3.5.0"
  67. js_of_ocaml-webgpu
  68. js_of_ocaml-webidl
  69. jwto < "0.2.0"
  70. karamel
  71. ketrew
  72. key-parsers = "0.3.0"
  73. kinetic-client >= "0.0.9"
  74. kremlin < "transition"
  75. lascar >= "0.7.0"
  76. lens >= "1.2.1" & < "1.2.5"
  77. libbpf
  78. links >= "0.7.3"
  79. m17n
  80. minicaml >= "0.2.1"
  81. mirage-crypto-ec
  82. mirage-kv-mem < "3.2.1"
  83. mirage-net-xen >= "1.6.0" & < "1.7.1"
  84. mjson
  85. mock-ounit >= "0.1.1"
  86. modelica_ml < "0.2.0"
  87. multipart-form-data < "0.2.0"
  88. nbd >= "2.1.0" & < "4.0.3"
  89. nebula
  90. netml
  91. nloge
  92. nocrypto >= "0.5.3" & < "0.5.4-1"
  93. noise
  94. obuilder
  95. obuilder-spec
  96. ocaml-protoc-plugin
  97. ocaml-topexpect
  98. ocamllint < "0.2.0"
  99. oci
  100. ocluster-api
  101. octez-l2-libs
  102. octez-libs
  103. octez-plompiler
  104. octez-smart-rollup-wasm-benchmark-lib
  105. odep
  106. ogen < "0.1.3"
  107. opass >= "1.0.6"
  108. opine
  109. opium >= "0.15.0" & < "0.16.0"
  110. oraft
  111. otoggl
  112. otr >= "0.3.1" & < "0.3.5"
  113. pa_ppx >= "0.10" & < "0.15"
  114. passmaker
  115. pattern < "0.1.1"
  116. pds >= "5.38"
  117. perf
  118. phylogenetics
  119. planck >= "2.2.0"
  120. ppx_assert < "113.24.00"
  121. ppx_bench < "113.24.00"
  122. ppx_bin_prot < "113.24.00"
  123. ppx_compare < "113.24.00"
  124. ppx_conv_func < "113.24.00"
  125. ppx_core < "113.24.00"
  126. ppx_csv_conv < "113.24.00"
  127. ppx_custom_printf < "113.24.00"
  128. ppx_default
  129. ppx_deriving_madcast < "0.2"
  130. ppx_deriving_morphism
  131. ppx_deriving_popper
  132. ppx_deriving_protobuf = "2.2"
  133. ppx_deriving_rpc < "6.0.0"
  134. ppx_deriving_yaml >= "0.2.0"
  135. ppx_deriving_yojson >= "2.3" & < "3.0"
  136. ppx_driver < "113.24.00"
  137. ppx_enum
  138. ppx_enumerate < "113.24.00"
  139. ppx_factory
  140. ppx_fail < "113.24.00"
  141. ppx_fields_conv < "113.24.00"
  142. ppx_gen_rec >= "2.0.0"
  143. ppx_here < "113.24.00"
  144. ppx_implicits >= "0.2.0"
  145. ppx_import < "1.5-3-gbd627d5"
  146. ppx_inline_test < "113.24.00"
  147. ppx_jsobject_conv < "0.5.0"
  148. ppx_json_types
  149. ppx_meta_conv >= "2.0.1" & < "2.4.0"
  150. ppx_minidebug
  151. ppx_netblob >= "1.2.1"
  152. ppx_optcomp < "113.24.00"
  153. ppx_parser
  154. ppx_pipebang < "113.24.00"
  155. ppx_repr
  156. ppx_sexp_conv < "113.24.00"
  157. ppx_sexp_value < "113.24.00"
  158. ppx_ts
  159. ppx_type_conv < "v0.9.0"
  160. ppx_typerep_conv < "113.24.00"
  161. ppx_variants_conv < "113.24.00"
  162. ppx_xml_conv < "113.24.00"
  163. ppx_yojson >= "0.2.0" & < "1.1.0"
  164. prc
  165. prob-cache
  166. protocell
  167. protocol-9p >= "0.6.0" & < "0.12.0"
  168. protocol-9p-unix < "0.12.0"
  169. qcow < "0.10.0" | >= "0.11.0"
  170. qcow-format >= "0.3"
  171. qcstm >= "0.1.1"
  172. quests
  173. reparse >= "3.0.0"
  174. res_tailwindcss
  175. rpc >= "1.9.51" & < "5.9.0"
  176. safemoney
  177. sarif
  178. satyrographos
  179. sel
  180. shared-block-ring >= "2.3.0" & < "3.0.0"
  181. slack
  182. snabela
  183. sparrow < "0.2"
  184. sqlgg >= "0.4.4" & < "20231201"
  185. stitch
  186. swipl
  187. terminus
  188. tezos-scoru-wasm-helpers
  189. tezos-version >= "13.0"
  190. tezos-wasmer
  191. tezos-webassembly-interpreter >= "15.0"
  192. tls >= "0.7.1" & < "0.11.0"
  193. transmission-rpc
  194. travesty < "0.6.0"
  195. unmagic
  196. uri = "1.9.2"
  197. user-agent-parser
  198. uwt < "0.3.3"
  199. validate
  200. validator
  201. vchan >= "2.1.0" & < "3.0.0"
  202. vmnet = "1.1.0"
  203. vscoq-language-server
  204. wamp < "1.1"
  205. websocket >= "2.0.0" & < "2.8"
  206. wikitext
  207. x509 >= "0.5.1" & < "0.6.0"
  208. yices2_bindings
  209. zarr
  210. zarr-eio
  211. zarr-lwt
  212. zarr-sync
  213. zeit




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