package ppx_deriving_decoders

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Deriving Decoders using PPX


Dune Dependency





ppx_deriving_decoders: Automatically write mattjbray/ocaml-decoders

mattjbray/ocaml-decoders is an excellent library for writing decoders using decoding combinators. However, writing out decoders by hand for more complicated types can be quite time-intensive.

This library helps by automatically producing the appropriate decoder for a particular type.

There are two primary ways in which this library can be of use. (More details of both follows.)

  1. "I want to write a (e.g. JSON) decoder for a particular type but don't care about the details" --> You can then use this library via [@@deriving decoders] applied to your types.

  2. "I want to write a (e.g. JSON) decoder for a particular type, but I care a lot about how it works and just want a good starting place" --> You can use this library via [@@deriving_inline decoders] applied to your types to generate the implementation in place.

Getting Started

opam install ppx_deriving_decoders

The implementation is agnostic to the underlying decoders back-end. The only requirement is the presence of a module with the signature Decoders.Decode.S as specified in mattjbray/ocaml-decoders, which is aliased to module D.

E.g., if you wanted to decode using yojson, you could use

opam install decoders-yojson

Just generate the decoder for me

Suppose we have the following file:

(* In file *)

type bar = Int of int | String of string

To generate a decoder for bar, first add the preprocessing directive to the appropriate dune file:

 (preprocess (pps ppx_deriving_decoders))

Then just add an implementer of Decoders.Decode.S to the file, aliased to D, and add the deriving extension:

(* In file *)
module D = Decoders_yojson.Safe.Decode

type bar = Int of int | String of string [@@deriving decoders]

After doing this, you will have available in this module a value bar_decoder of type bar D.decoder. Then you'll be able to use this decoder freely, e.g.:

let () = assert (
  match D.decode_string my_basic_cstr_decoder {|{"Int": [10]}|} with
  | Ok b -> b = Int 10
  | Error _ -> false

Only get the decoder started for me

Suppose we have the same file again:

(* In file *)

type bar = Int of int | String of string

To generate a decoder for bar, we again first add the preprocessing directive to the appropriate dune file:

 (preprocess (pps ppx_deriving_decoders))

We change the file to be

(* In file *)
module D = Decoders_yojson.Safe.Decode

type bar = Int of int | String of string [@@deriving_inline decoders]


Then, after running dune build --auto-promote, our file will become:

(* In file *)
module D = Decoders_yojson.Safe.Decode

type bar = Int of int | String of string [@@deriving_inline decoders]

let _ = fun (_ : bar) -> ()
let bar_decoder =
  let open D in
         (D.field "Int"
            (let open D in
               let (>>=::) fst rest = uncons rest fst in
      >>=:: (fun arg0 -> succeed (Int arg0)))));
        (D.field "String"
           (let open D in
              let (>>=::) fst rest = uncons rest fst in
              D.string >>=:: (fun arg0 -> succeed (String arg0)))))]
let _ = bar_decoder

You can now freely remove the deriving attributes, and edit the decoder as you see fit!

More complicated example

The following file:

(* In file *)
module D = Decoders_yojson.Safe.Decode

type expr = Num of int | BinOp of op * expr * expr

and op = Add | Sub | Mul | Div


after invoking dune build --auto-promote will yield:

(* In file *)
module D = Decoders_yojson.Safe.Decode

type expr = Num of int | BinOp of op * expr * expr

and op = Add | Sub | Mul | Div
[@@deriving decoders] [@@deriving_inline decoders]

let _ = fun (_ : expr) -> ()
let _ = fun (_ : op) -> ()
[@@@ocaml.warning "-27"]
let expr_decoder op_decoder =
    (fun expr_decoder_aux ->
       let open D in
              (D.field "Num"
                 (let open D in
                    let (>>=::) fst rest = uncons rest fst in
           >>=:: (fun arg0 -> succeed (Num arg0)))));
             (D.field "BinOp"
                (let open D in
                   let (>>=::) fst rest = uncons rest fst in
                   op_decoder >>=::
                     (fun arg0 ->
                        expr_decoder_aux >>=::
                          (fun arg1 ->
                             expr_decoder_aux >>=::
                               (fun arg2 ->
                                  succeed (BinOp (arg0, arg1, arg2))))))))])
let _ = expr_decoder
let op_decoder op_decoder =
  let open D in
         (D.string >>=
            ((function | "Add" -> succeed Add | _ -> fail "Failure"))));
        (D.string >>=
           ((function | "Sub" -> succeed Sub | _ -> fail "Failure"))));
        (D.string >>=
           ((function | "Mul" -> succeed Mul | _ -> fail "Failure"))));
        (D.string >>=
           ((function | "Div" -> succeed Div | _ -> fail "Failure"))))]
let _ = op_decoder
let op_decoder = D.fix op_decoder
let _ = op_decoder
let expr_decoder = expr_decoder op_decoder
let _ = expr_decoder
[@@@ocaml.warning "+27"]

Notice that the mutual recursion is handled for you!


  • Some of the decoders can be quite complicated relative to what you would write by hand

  • There is not great support for types which feature type variables

  • There are a lot of rough edges in places like:

    • Error reporting

    • Correctly handling loc

Future Work

  • [ ] Automatically generate corresponding encoders which are inverses of the decoders

  • [ ] Better handling of type variables

  • [ ] Simplify generated decoders

  • [ ] Generate decoders from a module


Contributions are always welcome. Please create an issue as appropriate, and open a PR into the main branch and I'll have a look :)


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