package ppx_deriving_encoding

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Ppx deriver for json-encoding


Dune Dependency






Published: 30 Mar 2021


Json_encoding Ppx deriver

ppx_deriving_encoding is a json-encoding ppx deriver.

type x = {
    a : string;
    b : int list;
    c : Ezjsonm.value option;
[@@deriving json_encoding]

will produce the encoding:

let x_enc : x encoding =
    (fun {a; b; c} -> (a, b, c))
    (fun (a, b, c) -> {a; b; c})
      (req "a" string)
      (req "b" (list int))
      (opt "c" any_ezjson_value))

Most of regular json types are handled. GADT and variant inheritance are not handled yet.

Field Options

  • [@req] Nullable field instead of an undefined (opt)

      a : x option [@req]

    will produce a field :

      (req "a" (option x_enc))
  • [@dft expr] Default field instead

      a : x [@dft expr]

    will produce a field :

      (dft "a" x_enc expr)
  • [@key "name"] Specify the name of the field

       a : x [@key "name"]

    will produce a field :

      (req "name" x_enc)
  • [@title expr] Specify the title of the field

       a : x [@title expr]

    will produce a field :

      (req ~title:expr "a" x_enc)
  • [@description expr] Specify the description of the field

       a : x [@description expr]

    will produce a field :

      (req ~description:expr "a" x_enc)
  • [@exclude expr] Exclude a field from an encoding

        a : x;
        b : y; [@exclude y_default]
        c : z;

    will produce :

          (fun {a; _; c} -> (a, c))
          (fun (a, c) -> {a; b = y_default; c})
              (req "a" x_enc)
              (req "c" z_enc))
  • [@merge] Merge an field object instead of creating another field

        a : x; [@merge]
        b : z;

    will produce :

          (fun {a; _; c} -> (a, c))
          (fun (a, c) -> {a; b = y_default; c})
          (merge_objs x_enc (obj1 (req "c" z_enc)))

General options

  • [@assoc]

    Create an assoc encoding

      (string * x) list [@assoc]

    will produce :

      assoc x_enc
  • [@enum]

    Create an string enum encoding

      [ `A | `B | `C ]

    will produce :

      string_enum [ "a", `A ; "b" `B; "c", `C ]

    For normal type constructor, you need to use the flag attribute:

      type t = A | B | C [@@deriving json_encoding {enum}]
  • [@encoding expr]

    Assign a generic encoding

  • [@obj1 "name"]

    Wrap an encoding inside a obj1 encoding

Tuple options

  • [@object]

    Create an object encoding from a tuple

      ( w, x [@exclude x_default], y [@key "name"], z ) [@object]

    will produce:

        (fun (w, _, y, z) -> (w, y, z))
        (fun (w, y, z) -> (w, x_default, y, z))
          (req "0" w_enc)
          (req "name" y_enc)
          (req "3" z_enc))

Variant options

If it is not a string enumeration, any constructor or polymorphic variant will produce a union encoding. Any case of the union can receive [@title expr], [@description expr], [@kind "kind"] attributes.

[@kind "kind_name"] will add the encoding

(obj1 (req "kind" (constant "kind_name")))

to allow several constructor with the same type to be well desctructed.

type t =
    | A of x [@kind "a"]
    | B of y
    | C of x [@kind "c"] [@@deriving json_encoding]

will produce :

let enc =
  union [
      (conv (fun x -> (), x) (fun ((), x) -> x)
        (merge_objs (obj1 (req "kind" (constant "a"))) x_enc))
      (function A x -> Some x | _ -> None)
      (fun x -> A x);
      (function B x -> Some x | _ -> None)
      (fun x -> B x);
      (conv (fun x -> (), x) (fun ((), x) -> x)
        (merge_objs (obj1 (req "kind" (constant "c"))) x_enc))
      (function C x -> Some x | _ -> None)
      (fun x -> C x);

Top type options

  • ignore

    wrap an object encoding to ignore other fields

      type t = {
          a : x;
          b : y;
      } [@@deriving json_encoding {ignore}]

    will produce :

      let enc =
          (fun x -> (), x)
          (fun ((), x) -> x)
              (fun {a; b} -> (a, b))
              (fun (a, b) -> {a; b})
                (req "a" x_enc)
                (req "b" y_enc))))

    It can also be used as an attribute for records in constructor:

      type x =
          | A of { a : y } [@ignore]
          | B of t
  • remove_prefix

    Remove prefixes of record

      type x = {
          x_a : a;
          b : b;
      } [@@deriving json_encoding {remove_prefix="true"}]

    will produce :

      let x_enc =
          (fun {x_a; b} -> (x_a, b))
          (fun (x_a, b) -> {x_a; b})
            (req "a" a_enc)
            (req "b" b_enc))

    When all the record fields have the same prefix they will be automatically removed. This automatic removing can be cancelled by [@@deriving json_encoding {remove_prefix="false"}]

  • recursive

    Wrap an encoding in a recursive construction

      type x =
        | A of x
        | B [@@deriving json_encoding {recursive}]

    will produce :

      let x_enc x_enc =
        union [
          case x_enc (function A x -> Some x | _ -> None) (fun x -> A x);
          case empty (function B -> Some () | _ -> None) (fun () -> B)
  • title, description

    Wrap en encoding to add some description

      type x = y [@@deriving json_encoding {title = "title"; description = "descr"}]

    will produce :

      let x_enc =
        def "x" ~title:"title" ~description:"descr" y_enc
  • schema

    Wrap an encoding to add a schema

      type x = y [@@deriving json_encoding {schema = sch}]

    will produce :

      let x_enc =
        conv (fun x -> x) (fun x -> x)
          ~schema:sch y_enc
  • option

    Choose the default option handling

      type x = {
        a : string option
      }[@@deriving json_encoding {option = "req"}]
      type y = {
        a : string option
      }[@@deriving json_encoding {option = "opt"}]
      type z = {
        a : string option
      }[@@deriving json_encoding {option = "dft"}]

    will produce :

      let x_enc = obj1 (req "a" (option string))
      let y_enc = obj1 (opt "a" string)
      let z_enc = obj1 (dft "a" (option string) None)

    The default one is dft which handles both null and undefined but will give an error at runtime if the following encoding is nullable.

  • debug

    Force the printing of the produced encoding during compilation

Dependencies (5)

  1. ocamlfind build
  2. ppxlib
  3. json-data-encoding >= "0.9"
  4. ocaml >= "4.08"
  5. dune >= "2.0"

Dev Dependencies


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