package ppx_jsonaf_conv

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
[@@deriving] plugin to generate Jsonaf conversion functions


Dune Dependency





#+TITLE: ppx\_jsonaf\_conv

* [@@deriving jsonaf]

=ppx_jsonaf_conv= is a PPX syntax extension that generates code for
converting OCaml types to and from [Jsonaf_kernel.t], as defined in the
[[][=jsonaf=]] library. [Jsonaf_kernel.t] is defined by the following type:

#+begin_src ocaml
type t =
    [ `Null
    | `True
    | `False
    | `Number of string
    | `String of string
    | `Object of (string * t) list
    | `Array of t list

=ppx_jsonaf_conv= fits into the [[][=ppx_deriving=]] framework, so you can
invoke it the same way you invoke any other deriving plug-in.  Thus,
we can write

#+begin_src ocaml
type int_pair = (int * int) [@@deriving jsonaf]

to get two values defined automatically, =jsonaf_of_int_pair= and
=int_pair_of_jsonaf=.  If we only want one direction, we can write one
of the following.

#+begin_src ocaml
type int_pair = (int * int) [@@deriving jsonaf_of]
type int_pair = (int * int) [@@deriving of_jsonaf]

Note that Jsonaf_kernel-converters for primitive types are brought into scope
automatically. The ppx rewriter adds the following prefix at the top of
implementations =open! Ppx_jsonaf_conv_lib.Jsonaf_conv.Primitives=

It's also possible to construct converters based on type expressions,

#+begin_src ocaml
  [%jsonaf_of: (int * string) list] [1,"one"; 2,"two"]
  |> Jsonaf_kernel.to_string;;
  => {|[[1,"one"],[2,"two"]]|}

  [%jsonaf_of: (int * string) list] [1,"one"; 2,"two"]
  |> [%of_jsonaf: (int * string) list];;
  => [1,"one"; 2,"two"]

For =%jsonaf_of=, we can also omit the conversion of some types by
putting underscores for that type name.

#+begin_src ocaml
  [%jsonaf_of: (int * _) list] [1,"one"; 2,"two"]
  |> Jsonaf_kernel.to_string;;
  => {|[[1,"_"],[2,"_"]]|}

** Conversion rules

In the following, we'll review the serialization rules for different
OCaml types.

*** Basic types

For numbers like =int=,
=int32=, =int64=, =float=, the value is stored as =`Number str= where
=str= is the string representing the number in decimal.
For the types =char= or =string=, the value is stored as =`String str= where =str= is
respectively a one character string or the string itself.

*** Lists and arrays

OCaml-lists and arrays are represented as json lists (=`Array=).

*** Tuples and unit

OCaml tuples are treated as lists of values in the same order as in
the tuple.  The type =unit= is treated as Jsonaf_kernel =`Null=.  /e.g./:

#+begin_src ocaml
  (3.14, "foo", "bar bla", 27)  =>  [3.14, "foo", "bar bla", 27]

*** Options

With options, =None= is treated as Jsonaf_kernel =`Null=, and =Some= is
treated as the value contained, as shown below.

#+begin_src ocaml
None        =>  `Null
Some value  =>  value

The rules for variants are described below.

*** Records

Records are represented as Jsonaf_kernel =`Object of (string * t) list=, where item of the list is a
key-value pair. Each pair consists of the name of the record field
(first element), and its value (second element).  /e.g./:

#+begin_src ocaml
  { foo = (3,4);
    bar = "some string"; }
  =>  {"foo":[3,4],"bar":"some string"}

Type specifications of records allow the use of several attributes. The
attribute =jsonaf.option= indicates that a record field should be optional.

#+begin_src ocaml
  type t =
    { x : int option;
      y : int option [@jsonaf.option];
    } [@@deriving jsonaf]

The following examples show how this works.

#+begin_src ocaml
  { x = Some 1; y = Some 2; } => {"x":1,"y":2}
  { x = None  ; y = None;   } => {"x":null}

When the JSON object keys differ from the ocaml field names, users can
specify the corresponding JSON key implicitly using =[@key "field"]=,
for example:

#+begin_src ocaml
type t = {
  typ    : float [@key "type"];
  class_ : float [@key "CLASS"];
[@@deriving jsonaf, jsonaf_fields]

The =jsonaf_fields= attribute generates the list of JSON keys from a
record type, for example:
#+begin_src ocaml
type ty = {
  x : float [@key "a"];
  y : float [@key "b"];
  z : float
[@@deriving jsonaf_fields]
generates the list below, and the list will not be generated for the signature.
#+begin_src ocaml
jsonaf_fields_of_ty = ["a"; "b"; "z"]

**** Defaults

More complex default values can be specified explicitly using several
constructs, /e.g./:

#+begin_src ocaml
  type t =
    { a : int [@default 42];
      b : int [@default 3] [@jsonaf_drop_default (=)];
      c : int [@default 3] [@jsonaf_drop_if fun x -> x = 3];
      d : int list
    } [@@deriving jsonaf]

The =@default= annotation lets one specify a default value to be
selected if the field is not specified, when converting from
Jsonaf_kernel.  The =@jsonaf_drop_default= annotation implies that the
field will be dropped when generating the =Jsonaf_kernel.t= if the value
being serialized is equal to the default according to the specified equality
function. =@jsonaf_drop_if= is like =@jsonaf_drop_default=, except that
it lets you specify the condition under which the field is dropped.

***** Specifying equality for [@jsonaf_drop_default]

The equality used by [@jsonaf_drop_default] is customizable. There
are several ways to specify the equality function:

#+begin_src ocaml
  type t =
    { a : u [@default u0] [@jsonaf_drop_default (=)]; (* explicit user-provided function *)
      b : u [@default u0] []; (* uses [%compare.equal: u] *)
      c : u [@default u0] [@jsonaf_drop_default.equal]; (* uses [%equal: u] *)
      d : u [@default u0] [@jsonaf_drop_default.jsonaf]; (* compares jsonaf representations *)
      e : u [@default u0] [@jsonaf_drop_default]; (* deprecated. uses polymorphic equality. *)
    } [@@deriving jsonaf]

**** Allowing extra fields

The =@jsonaf.allow_extra_fields= annotation lets one specify that the
jsonaf-converters should silently ignore extra fields, instead of
raising.  This applies only to the record to which the annotation is
attached, and not to deeper jsonaf converters that may be called during
conversion of a jsonaf to the record.

#+begin_src ocaml
  type t = { a: int } [@@deriving jsonaf]
  {"a":1,"b":2} => exception

  type t = { a: int } [@@deriving jsonaf] [@@jsonaf.allow_extra_fields]
  {"a":1,"b":2} => {a = 1}

  type t = A of { a : int } [@jsonaf.allow_extra_fields] [@@deriving jsonaf]
  ["A", {"a":1,"b":2}] => A {a = 1}

*** Variants
Constant constructors in variants are represented as a list with one
string, which is the name of the contructor.
Constructors with arguments are represented as lists, the
first element being the constructor name, the rest being its
For example:

#+begin_src ocaml
  type t = A | B of int * float * t [@@deriving jsonaf]
  B (42, 3.14, B (-1, 2.72, A))  =>  ["B",42,3.14,["B",-1,2.72,["A"]]]

The above example also demonstrates recursion in data structures.

if the JSON variant names differ from OCaml conventions, users can specify the
corresponding JSON string explicitly using =[@name "constr"]=, for example:

#+begin_src ocaml
type t =
| Typ   [@name "type"]
| Class [@name "class"]
[@@deriving jsonaf]

*** Polymorphic variants

Polymorphic variants behave almost the same as ordinary variants.  The
notable difference is that polymorphic variant constructors must
always start with an either lower- or uppercase character, matching
the way it was specified in the type definition.  This is because
OCaml distinguishes between upper and lowercase variant
constructors. Note that type specifications containing unions of
variant types are also supported by the Jsonaf_kernel converter, for
example as in:

#+begin_src ocaml
  type ab = [ `A | `B ] [@@deriving jsonaf]
  type cd = [ `C | `D ] [@@deriving jsonaf]
  type abcd = [ ab | cd ] [@@deriving jsonaf]

However, because `ppx_jsonaf_conv` needs to generate additional code to
support inclusions of polymorphic variants, `ppx_jsonaf_conv` needs to
know when processing a type definition whether it might be included in
a polymorphic variant. `ppx_jsonaf_conv` will only generate the extra
code automatically in the common case where the type definition is
syntactically a polymorphic variant like in the example
above. Otherwise, you will need to indicate it by using `[@@deriving
jsonaf_poly]` (resp `of_yosjon_poly`) instead of `[@@deriving jsonaf]` (resp

#+begin_src ocaml
  type ab = [ `A | `B ] [@@deriving jsonaf]
  type alias_of_ab = ab [@@deriving jsonaf_poly]
  type abcd = [ ab | `C | `D ] [@@deriving jsonaf]

*** Polymorphic values

There is nothing special about polymorphic values as long as there are
conversion functions for the type parameters.  /e.g./:

#+begin_src ocaml
type 'a t = A | B of 'a [@@deriving jsonaf]
type foo = int t [@@deriving jsonaf]

In the above case the conversion functions will behave as if =foo= had
been defined as a monomorphic version of =t= with ='a= replaced by
=int= on the right hand side.

If a data structure is indeed polymorphic and you want to convert it,
you will have to supply the conversion functions for the type
parameters at runtime.  If you wanted to convert a value of type ='a
t= as in the above example, you would have to write something like

#+begin_src ocaml
  jsonaf_of_t jsonaf_of_a v

where =jsonaf_of_a=, which may also be named differently in this
particular case, is a function that converts values of type ='a= to a
Jsonaf_kernel.  Types with more than one parameter require passing
conversion functions for those parameters in the order of their
appearance on the left hand side of the type definition.

*** Opaque values

Opaque values are ones for which we do not want to perform
conversions.  This may be, because we do not have Jsonaf_kernel
converters for them, or because we do not want to apply them in a
particular type context. /e.g./ to hide large, unimportant parts of
configurations.  To prevent the preprocessor from generating calls to
converters, simply apply the attribute =jsonaf.opaque= to the type, /e.g./:

#+begin_src ocaml
  type foo = int * (stuff [@jsonaf.opaque]) [@@deriving jsonaf]

Thus, there is no need to specify converters for type =stuff=, and if
there are any, they will not be used in this particular context.
Needless to say, it is not possible to convert such a Jsonaf_kernel
back to the original value.  Here is an example conversion:

#+begin_src ocaml
  (42, some_stuff)  =>  [42,"<opaque>"]

*** Exceptions

Unlike Sexp deriver, we are not handling exceptions in the jsonaf deriver.

*** Hash tables

The Stdlib's Hash tables, which are abstract values in OCaml, are
represented as association lists, /i.e./ lists of key-value pairs,

#+begin_src scheme

Reading in the above Jsonaf_kernel as hash table mapping strings to
integers (=(string, int) Hashtbl.t=) will map =foo= to =3= and =bar=
to =4=.

Note that the order of elements in the list may matter, because the
OCaml-implementation of hash tables keeps duplicates.  Bindings will
be inserted into the hash table in the order of appearance. Therefore,
the last binding of a key will be the "visible" one, the others are
"hidden".  See the OCaml documentation on hash tables for details.

** A note about signatures

In signatures, =ppx_jsonaf_conv= tries to generate an include of a named
interface, instead of a list of value bindings.
That is:

#+begin_src ocaml
type 'a t [@@deriving jsonaf]

will generate:

#+begin_src ocaml
include Jsonafable.S1 with type 'a t := 'a t

instead of:

#+begin_src ocaml
val t_of_jsonaf : (Jsonaf_kernel.t -> 'a) -> Jsonaf_kernel.t -> 'a t
val jsonaf_of_t : ('a -> Jsonaf_kernel.t) -> 'a t -> Jsonaf_kernel.t

There are however a number of limitations:
- the type has to be named t
- the type can only have up to 3 parameters
- there shouldn't be any constraint on the type parameters

If these aren't met, then =ppx_jsonaf_conv= will simply generate a list of value

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