package ppx_minidebug

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

The functors creating a Debug_runtime module that ppx_minidebug requires.

type time_tagged =
  1. | Not_tagged
  2. | Clock
  3. | Elapsed
type elapsed_times =
  1. | Not_reported
  2. | Seconds
  3. | Milliseconds
  4. | Microseconds
  5. | Nanoseconds
type location_format =
  1. | No_location
  2. | File_only
  3. | Beg_line
  4. | Beg_pos
  5. | Range_line
  6. | Range_pos
type toc_entry_criteria =
  1. | Minimal_depth of int
  2. | Minimal_size of int
  3. | Minimal_span of Mtime.span
  4. | And of toc_entry_criteria list
  5. | Or of toc_entry_criteria list
module type Shared_config = sig ... end
val shared_config : ?time_tagged:time_tagged -> ?elapsed_times:elapsed_times -> ?location_format:location_format -> ?print_entry_ids:bool -> ?verbose_entry_ids:bool -> ?global_prefix:string -> ?split_files_after:int -> ?with_table_of_contents:bool -> ?toc_entry:toc_entry_criteria -> ?for_append:bool -> ?log_level:int -> string -> (module Shared_config)

Sets up a file with the given path, or if split_files_after is given, creates a directory to store the files. By default the logging will not be time tagged and will be appending to the file / creating more files. If time_tagged is Clock, entries will be tagged with a date and clock time; if it is Elapsed, they will be tagged with the time span elapsed since the start of the process (using Mtime_clock.elapsed). If split_files_after is given and for_append is false, clears the directory. If the opened file exceeds split_files_after characters, Shared_config.refresh_ch () returns true; if in that case Shared_config.debug_ch () is called, it will create and return a new file.

If elapsed_times is different from Not_reported, the elapsed time spans are printed for log subtrees, in the corresponding units with precision up to 1%. The times include printing out logs, therefore might not be reliable for profiling. In the runtime creation functions, elapsed_times defaults to Not_reported.

If print_entry_ids is true, the entry_id identifiers are printed on log headers with the syntax {#ID}; by default they are omitted. If verbose_entry_ids is true, the entry_id identifiers are also printed on logged values.

If global_prefix is given, the log header messages (and the log closing messages for the flushing backend) are prefixed with it.

If table_of_contents_ch is given or with_table_of_contents=true, outputs selected log headers to this channel. The provided file name is used as a prefix for links to anchors of the log headers. Note that debug runtime builders that take a channel instead of a file name, will use global_prefix instead for the anchor links. The setting toc_entry controls the selection of headers to include in a ToC (it defaults to And [], which means including all entries).

log_level, by default 9, specifies Shared_config.init_log_level. This is the initial log level. In particular, the header "BEGIN DEBUG SESSION" is only printed if (initial) log_level > 0.

module type Debug_runtime = sig ... end

When using the ppx_minidebug syntax extension, provide a module called Debug_runtime with this signature in scope of the instrumented code.

The output is flushed line-at-a-time, so no output should be lost if the traced program crashes. The logged traces are still indented, but if the values to print are multi-line, their formatting might be messy. The indentation is also smaller (half of PrintBox).

val default_html_config : PrintBox_html.Config.t
val default_md_config : PrintBox_md.Config.t
module type PrintBox_runtime = sig ... end

The logged traces will be pretty-printed as trees using the `printbox` package. This logger supports conditionally disabling a particular nesting of the logs, regardless of where in the nesting level no_debug_if is called.

val debug_file : ?time_tagged:time_tagged -> ?elapsed_times:elapsed_times -> ?location_format:location_format -> ?print_entry_ids:bool -> ?verbose_entry_ids:bool -> ?global_prefix:string -> ?split_files_after:int -> ?with_toc_listing:bool -> ?toc_entry:toc_entry_criteria -> ?toc_flame_graph:bool -> ?flame_graph_separation:int -> ?highlight_terms:Re.t -> ?exclude_on_path:Re.t -> ?prune_upto:int -> ?truncate_children:int -> ?for_append:bool -> ?boxify_sexp_from_size:int -> ?max_inline_sexp_length:int -> ?backend: [ `Text | `Html of PrintBox_html.Config.t | `Markdown of PrintBox_md.Config.t ] -> ?hyperlink:string -> ?toc_specific_hyperlink:string -> ?values_first_mode:bool -> ?log_level:int -> ?snapshot_every_sec:float -> string -> (module PrintBox_runtime)

Creates a PrintBox-based debug runtime configured to output html or markdown to a file with the given name suffixed with ".log", ".html" or ".md" depending on the backend. By default the logging will not be time tagged and the file will be created or erased by this function. The default boxify_sexp_from_size value is 50.

Setting ~with_toc_listing:true or ~toc_flame_graph:true or both will create an additional log file, the given name suffixed with "-toc" and the corresponding file name extension. This file will collect selected entries, hyperlinking to anchors in the main logging file(s).

By default backend is `Markdown PrintBox.default_md_config. See PrintBox.config for details about PrintBox-specific parameters. See shared_config for the details about shared parameters.

val debug : ?debug_ch:Stdlib.out_channel -> ?time_tagged:time_tagged -> ?elapsed_times:elapsed_times -> ?location_format:location_format -> ?print_entry_ids:bool -> ?verbose_entry_ids:bool -> ?description:string -> ?global_prefix:string -> ?table_of_contents_ch:Stdlib.out_channel -> ?toc_entry:toc_entry_criteria -> ?highlight_terms:Re.t -> ?exclude_on_path:Re.t -> ?prune_upto:int -> ?truncate_children:int -> ?toc_specific_hyperlink:string -> ?values_first_mode:bool -> ?log_level:int -> ?snapshot_every_sec:float -> unit -> (module PrintBox_runtime)

Creates a PrintBox-based debug runtime for the `Text backend. By default it will log to stdout and will not be time tagged.

See PrintBox.config for details about PrintBox-specific parameters. See shared_config for the details about shared parameters.

val debug_flushing : ?debug_ch:Stdlib.out_channel -> ?table_of_contents_ch:Stdlib.out_channel -> ?filename:string -> ?time_tagged:time_tagged -> ?elapsed_times:elapsed_times -> ?location_format:location_format -> ?print_entry_ids:bool -> ?verbose_entry_ids:bool -> ?description:string -> ?global_prefix:string -> ?split_files_after:int -> ?with_table_of_contents:bool -> ?toc_entry:toc_entry_criteria -> ?for_append:bool -> ?log_level:int -> unit -> (module Debug_runtime)

Creates a flushing-based debug runtime. By default it will log to stdout and will not be time tagged. At most one of debug_ch, filename can be provided. Adds the suffix ".log" to the file name if filename is given.

See shared_config for the details about shared parameters.

val forget_printbox : (module PrintBox_runtime) -> (module Debug_runtime)

Upcasts the runtime.

val sexp_of_lazy_t : ('a -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t) -> 'a lazy_t -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t

Unlike Lazy.sexp_of_t available in the Base library, does not force the lazy value, only converts it if it's already computed and non-exception.


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