package random

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Create cryptographically secure random data.

val cstruct : int -> Cstruct.t

cstruct n will create a Cstruct.t of up to n bytes

val int8 : unit -> int

int8 () creates a random byte.

If you need the byte to be encoded as a char, consider using char () instead.

val int16 : unit -> int

int16 () creates a random 16-bit integer (of size 2 bytes).

val int32 : unit -> int32

int32 () creates a random 32-bit integer (of size 4 bytes).

val int64 : unit -> int64

int64 () creates a random 64-bit integer (of size 8 bytes).

val char : unit -> char

char () creates a byte.

val int : ?max:int -> unit -> int

int ~max () creates a random 31-bit integer between 0 and max if max is specified.

val float : ?max:float -> unit -> float

float ~max () creates a random float between 0.0 and max if max is specified.

val bytes : int -> bytes

bytes len creates len random bytes

val bigarray : int -> bigarray

bigarray len creates len random bytes in a bigarray

val string : int -> string

string len creates len random bytes encoded as a string

val alphanum : unit -> char

alphanum () creates len random bytes encoded as a string

val seq : (unit -> 'a) -> 'a Seq.t

seq gen creates an infinite sequence of values created by gen.

For example, use seq int to create an infinite sequence of random integers.

val list : (unit -> 'a) -> int -> 'a list

list gen n creates a list of n random elements created with gen.


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