package ringo

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

A MAP_MAKER is a functor that instantiates CACHE_MAPs based on a given type and its associated hash function.

A Mutable structure akin to a hash-table, but with a size bound. Note that, different caches have different policies towards the size bounds: some uphold the bound strictly, some treat the bound as a suggestion. In addition, some caches count their elements somewhat sloppily.

In general, the caches of ringo are intended to be used in settings that do not require strict, by-the-number, extremely-predictable behaviors.

See Functors for more information.



type key = H.t

The type of keys on which values in the cache are indexed.

type 'a t

The type of caches holding bindings from key to 'a

val create : int -> 'a t

create n creates a cache with a size-bound of n. Remember that the size-bound is not upheld strictly by all caches.

val add : 'a t -> key -> 'a -> unit

add c k v binds the key k to the value v in the cache c. This may or may not cause another binding to be removed from the cache, depending on the number of bindings already present in the cache c, the size-bound of the cache c, and the policy of the cache c towards its size-bound.

If k is already bound to a value in c, the previous binding disappears and is replaced by the new binding to v. Note that in some caches, the old binding is erased but may still count towards the size bound for some time. In other words: apart for size bound in some cases, the following sequences of operations are indistinguishable: add c k v; add c k u and add c k v; remove c k; add c k u

val fold : (key -> 'a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b -> 'b

fold f c init folds the function f and value init over the bindings of c.

Note that for some cache, this function may fold over a subset of the bindings of c. See Functors for more details.

val iter : (key -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a t -> unit

iter f c iterates the function f over the bindings of c.

Note that for some cache, this function may iterate over a subset of the bindings of c. See Functors for more details.

val find_opt : 'a t -> key -> 'a option

find_opt c k is Some v if k is bound to v in c. It is None otherwise.

Note that the in some caches, this may have a side effect on the k-to-v binding. Specifically, in some caches, it might make it less likely to be removed when supernumerary bindings are inserted.

val remove : 'a t -> key -> unit

remove c k removes the binding from k in c. If k is not bound in c, it does nothing.

Note that in some caches, removed bindings can still count towards the size bound for some time.

val length : 'a t -> int

length c is the number of bindings held by c.

val clear : 'a t -> unit

clear c removes all bindings from c.


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