package rpc_parallel

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type 'a t

This module is used to transfer the currently running executable to a remote server

val existing_on_host : executable_path:string -> ?strict_host_key_checking:[ `No | `Ask | `Yes ] -> string -> [ `Undeletable ] t

existing_on_host ~executable_path ?strict_host_key_checking host will create a t from the supplied host and path. The executable MUST be the exact same executable that will be run in the master process. There will be a check for this in spawn_worker. Use strict_host_key_checking to change the StrictHostKeyChecking option used when sshing into this host

val copy_to_host : executable_dir:string -> ?strict_host_key_checking:[ `No | `Ask | `Yes ] -> string -> [ `Deletable ] t Core.Or_error.t Async.Deferred.t

copy_to_host ~executable_dir ?strict_host_key_checking host will copy the currently running executable to the desired host and path. It will keep the same name but add a suffix .XXXXXXXX. Use strict_host_key_checking to change the StrictHostKeyChecking option used when sshing into this host

val delete : [ `Deletable ] t -> unit Core.Or_error.t Async.Deferred.t

delete t will delete a remote executable that was copied over by a previous call to copy_to_host

val path : _ t -> string

Get the underlying path, host, and host_key_checking

val host : _ t -> string
val host_key_checking : _ t -> string list
val run : _ t -> env:(string * string) list -> args:string list -> wrap:(Prog_and_args.t -> Prog_and_args.t) -> Async.Process.t Core.Or_error.t Async.Deferred.t

Run the executable remotely with the given environment and arguments. This checks to make sure t matches the currently running executable that run is called from.


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