package sentry

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

type t = private {
  1. event_id : Uuidm.t;
  2. timestamp : Core_kernel.Time.t;
  3. logger : string option;
  4. platform : Platform.t;
  5. sdk : Sdk.t;
  6. level : Severity_level.t option;
  7. culprit : string option;
  8. server_name : string option;
  9. release : string option;
  10. tags : string Core_kernel.String.Map.t;
  11. environment : string option;
  12. modules : string Core_kernel.String.Map.t;
  13. extra : Yojson.Basic.json Core_kernel.String.Map.t;
  14. fingerprint : string list option;
  15. exception_ : Exception.t list option;
  16. message : Sentry__.Message.t option;
  17. breadcrumbs : Breadcrumb.t list;
val sexp_of_t : t -> Ppx_sexp_conv_lib.Sexp.t
val make : ?event_id:Uuidm.t -> ?timestamp:Core_kernel.Time.t -> ?context:Context.t -> ?tags:(string * string) list -> ?logger:string -> ?platform:Platform.t -> ?sdk:Sdk.t -> ?level:Severity_level.t -> ?culprit:string -> ?fingerprint:string list -> ?message:Sentry__.Message.t -> ?exn:Exception.t list -> unit -> t
val to_payload : t -> Sentry__.Payloads_t.event
val to_json_string : t -> string

Converts t to the Sentry JSON representation, suitable to be uploaded.


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