package syndic

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module Error : sig ... end
type image = {
  1. url : Uri.t;
  2. title : string;
  3. width : int;
  4. height : int;
  5. description : string option;
type cloud = {
  1. domain : Uri.t;
  2. port : int;
  3. path : string;
  4. registerProcedure : string;
  5. protocol : string;
type textinput = {
  1. title : string;
  2. description : string;
  3. name : string;
type category = {
  1. data : string;
  2. domain : Uri.t option;
type enclosure = {
  1. url : Uri.t;
  2. length : int;
  3. mime : string;
type guid = {
  1. data : Uri.t;
type source = {
  1. data : string;
  2. url : Uri.t;
type story =
  1. | All of string * string
  2. | Title of string
  3. | Description of string
type item = {
  1. story : story;
  2. author : string option;
  3. category : category option;
  4. comments : Uri.t option;
  5. enclosure : enclosure option;
  6. guid : guid option;
  7. pubDate : Netdate.t option;
  8. source : source option;
type channel = {
  1. title : string;
  2. description : string;
  3. language : string option;
  4. copyright : string option;
  5. managingEditor : string option;
  6. webMaster : string option;
  7. pubDate : Netdate.t option;
  8. lastBuildDate : Netdate.t option;
  9. category : string option;
  10. generator : string option;
  11. docs : Uri.t option;
  12. cloud : cloud option;
  13. ttl : int option;
  14. image : image option;
  15. rating : int option;
  16. textInput : textinput option;
  17. skipHours : int option;
  18. skipDays : int option;
  19. items : item list;
val analyze : Xmlm.input -> channel
val unsafe : Xmlm.input -> [> `Channel of [> `Category of string | `Cloud of [> `Domain of string | `Path of string | `Port of string | `Protocol of string | `RegisterProcedure of string ] list | `Copyright of string | `Description of string | `Docs of string | `Generator of string | `Image of [> `Description of string | `Height of string | `Link of string | `Title of string | `URL of string | `Width of string ] list | `Item of [> `Author of string | `Category of [> `Data of string | `Domain of string ] list | `Comments of string | `Description of string | `Enclosure of [> `Length of string | `Mime of string | `URL of string ] list | `Guid of [> `Data of string | `Permalink of string ] list | `Link of string | `PubDate of string | `Source of [> `Data of string | `URL of string ] list | `Title of string ] list | `Language of string | `LastBuildDate of string | `Link of string | `ManagingEditor of string | `PubDate of string | `Rating of string | `SkipDays of string | `SkipHours of string | `TTL of string | `TextInput of [> `Description of string | `Link of string | `Name of string | `Title of string ] list | `Title of string | `WebMaster of string ] list ]

Innovation. Community. Security.