package tezos-version

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Version information.

This module provides the current version number.

type additional_info =
  1. | Dev
  2. | RC of int
  3. | Release

Additional version information.

Dev means "Development Version". All non-release branches should use this.

RC means "Release Candidate". For each release, the first release candidate has number 1.

Release means "no additional information". This is an actual released version. No additional info is printed.

val string_of_additional_info : additional_info -> string

Convert additional version information to a string.

The result is a string of the form "+dev", "~rcX" or "".

type t = {
  1. major : int;
  2. minor : int;
  3. additional_info : additional_info;

Version information.

Major versions include significant new features and are usually released in new branches which start from master.

Minor versions include mostly bug fixes and are usually released in branches which start from the previous release. When the major version is incremented, the minor version is reset to 0.

val to_string : t -> string

Convert a version to a string.


  • to_string { major = 7; minor = 0; additional_info = Release } = "7.0"
  • to_string { major = 7; minor = 0; additional_info = Dev } = "7.0+dev"
  • to_string { major = 7; minor = 0; additional_info = RC 1 } = "7.0~rc1"
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Version printer.

pp f x prints to_string x in f

val current : t

Current version.

val current_string : string

Same as to_string current.


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