package touist

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

touist 3.4.0


This package provides the following libraries (via ocamlobjinfo):



  • TouistErr This is where the compiler errors are managed.
  • TouistTypes Definition of types Ast.t and AstSet.t constituting the Abstract Syntaxic Tree (AST)
  • TouistParser
  • TouistLexer
  • TouistParserMsgs
  • TouistParserReport
  • TouistParse Parse a TouIST string into an Abstract Syntaxic Tree (AST).
  • TouistPprint Transform any AST (at any stage of transformation) to a string.
  • TouistEval Evaluate an AST produced by TouistParse.parse_sat (or any other parse function) so it becomes a semantically correct formula.
  • TouistCnf Process an evaluated AST given by TouistEval.eval to produce a CNF AST and output DIMACS
  • TouistSmt Process an evaluated AST given by TouistEval.eval and produces a string in SMT-LIB2 format.
  • TouistQbf Transform an evaluated AST into prenex form, CNF and QDIMACS.
  • TouistSatSolve Requires minisat Process a CNF AST to clauses in order to solve them with Minisat.
  • TouistLatex Transform any AST (at any stage of transformation) to latex.
  • TouistVersion Version information for the TouIST library.






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