package travesty

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Extend0 creates extensions for a Container.S0.



include Generic_types.S0 with type t := C.t with type elt := C.elt
include Container_exts_types.Generic with type 'a t := C.t and type 'a elt := C.elt

Generic refers to the container type as 'a t, and the element type as 'a elt; substitute t/elt (arity-0) or 'a t/'a (arity-1) accordingly below.

include Generic_types.Generic with type 'a t := C.t with type 'a elt := C.elt

Testing for a specific number of elements

The following functions help in checking whether a container has a particular, commonly-required number of elements (zero or one, one, two, and so on).

val at_most_one : C.t -> C.elt Base.option Base.Or_error.t

at_most_one xs returns Ok None if xs is empty; Ok Some(x) if it contains only x; and an error otherwise.

Examples (using an extended version of List):

(* ok None *)
List.at_most_one []
(* ok (Some 1) *)
List.at_most_one [1]
(* error -- too many *)
List.at_most_one [1; 2]

one xs returns Ok x if xs contains only x, and an error otherwise.

Examples (using an extended version of List):

(* error -- not enough *) []
(* ok 1 *) [1]
(* error -- too many *) [1; 2]
val two : C.t -> (C.elt * C.elt) Base.Or_error.t

two xs returns Ok (x, y) if xs is a list containing only x and y in that order, and an error otherwise.

Examples (using an extended version of List):

(* error -- not enough *)
List.two []
(* error -- not enough *)
List.two [1]
(* ok (1, 2) *)
List.two [1; 2]
(* error -- too many *)
List.two [1; 2; 3]

Miscellaneous extensions

val max_measure : measure:(C.elt -> -> ? -> C.t ->

max_measure ~measure ~default xs measures each item in xs according to measure, and returns the highest measure reported. If xs is empty, return default if given, and 0 otherwise.


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