package vcaml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module Mode : sig ... end
type t = {
  1. lhs : string;
  2. rhs : string;
  3. mode : Mode.t;
  4. scope : [ `Global | `Buffer_local of Nvim_internal.Buffer.t ];
  5. expr : bool;
  6. nowait : bool;
  7. silent : bool;
  8. recursive : bool;
  9. sid : int;

A representation of a keybinding.

val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
val get : scope:[ `Global | `Buffer_local of Nvim_internal.Buffer.t ] -> mode:Mode.t -> t list Api_call.Or_error.t
val set : ?recursive:bool -> ?expr:bool -> ?nowait:bool -> ?silent:bool -> scope:[ `Global | `Buffer_local of Nvim_internal.Buffer.t ] -> lhs:string -> rhs:string -> mode:Mode.t -> unit -> unit Api_call.Or_error.t

Add a keymapping. Only use recursive if you really know what you are doing. Also note that nowait is only meaningful for buffer-local mappings; on global mappings it has no effect (see :h map-nowait).

val unset : scope:[ `Global | `Buffer_local of Nvim_internal.Buffer.t ] -> lhs:string -> mode:Mode.t -> unit Api_call.Or_error.t

Unset a keymapping.


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