package virtual_dom

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module Element : sig ... end

The values associated with an Element and element like nodes. (that is in practice all nodes that aren't just text).

module Widget : sig ... end
type t =
  1. | Text of Base.string
  2. | Element of Element.t
  3. | Widget of Widget.t
type node_creator = ?key:Base.string -> Virtual_dom__.Attr.t Base.list -> t Base.list -> t
type node_creator_childless = ?key:Base.string -> Virtual_dom__.Attr.t Base.list -> t
val text : Base.string -> t
val a : node_creator
val body : node_creator
val button : node_creator
val div : node_creator
val h1 : node_creator
val h2 : node_creator
val h3 : node_creator
val h4 : node_creator
val h5 : node_creator
val header : node_creator
val html : node_creator
val input : node_creator
val textarea : node_creator
val select : node_creator
val option : node_creator
val label : node_creator
val li : node_creator
val p : node_creator
val pre : node_creator
val section : node_creator
val span : node_creator
val strong : node_creator
val table : node_creator
val tbody : node_creator
val td : node_creator
val th : node_creator
val thead : node_creator
val tr : node_creator
val ul : node_creator
val create : Base.string -> ?key:Base.string -> Virtual_dom__.Attr.t Base.list -> t Base.list -> t

key is used by Virtual_dom as a hint during diffing/patching

val svg : Base.string -> ?key:Base.string -> Virtual_dom__.Attr.t Base.list -> t Base.list -> t
val widget : ?destroy: ('s -> Js_of_ocaml.Dom_html.element as 'e Js_of_ocaml.Js.t -> Base.unit) -> ?update:('s -> 'e Js_of_ocaml.Js.t -> 's * 'e Js_of_ocaml.Js.t) -> id:('s * 'e Js_of_ocaml.Js.t) Base.Type_equal.Id.t -> init:(Base.unit -> 's * 'e Js_of_ocaml.Js.t) -> Base.unit -> t

convenience wrapper widget ... = Widget (Widget.create ...)

module Patch : sig ... end

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