package yuujinchou

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Yuujinchou: Name Modifiers



This library was motivated by the name modifiers in the "import" or "include" statements present in all practical programming languages. Here are a few examples of such statements but without modifiers:

open import M -- Agda
import foo # Python

The ability to import content from other files helps organize code. However, it also poses a new challenge: how could programmers prevent imported content from shadowing existing content? For example, if we already have a function test in the current scope, maybe we do not wish to import another function also named test. To address this, many programming languages allow programmers to selectively hide or rename part of the imported content:

open import M renaming (a to b) public
-- (Agda) renaming a to b, and then re-exporting the content

Another way to address this is to place the imported content under some namespace. For example, in Python,

import math # Python: the sqrt function is available as `math.sqrt`.

Arguably, common designs of these hiding or renaming mechanisms are quite limited. The goal of the Yuujinchou library is to provide a compositional calculus of these modifiers of names. Currently, the library supports renaming, scopes, sequencing, unions, and custom hooks for extending the engine.

Design Principles

See the design document for the principles and ideas we follow when making this library.

Example Code

Here is a tiny interpreter for a language with nested lexical scopes.

open Yuujinchou
open Bwd

(* A tiny language demonstrating some power of the Scope module. *)
type modifier_cmd = Print
type decl =
  (* declaration *)
  | Decl of Trie.path * int
  (* declaration, but supressing the shadowing warning *)
  | ShadowingDecl of Trie.path * int
  (* importing a trie after applying the modifier *)
  | Import of int Trie.Untagged.t * modifier_cmd Language.t
  (* printing out all visible bindings *)
  | PrintVisible
  (* exporting a binding *)
  | Export of Trie.path
  (* section *)
  | Section of Trie.path * decl list
type program = decl list

(* Specialzed Scope module with Data.t *)
module S = Scope.Make (struct
    type data = int
    type tag = [`Imported | `Local]
    type hook = modifier_cmd
    type context = [`Visible | `Export]

(* Handle scoping effects *)
let handler : _ Scope.handler =
  let pp_path fmt =
    | Emp -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "(root)"
    | path -> Format.pp_print_string fmt @@ String.concat "." (Bwd.to_list path)
  let pp_context fmt =
    | Some `Visible -> Format.pp_print_string fmt " in the visible namespace"
    | Some `Export -> Format.pp_print_string fmt " in the export namespace"
    | None -> ()
  let pp_item fmt =
    | (x, `Imported) -> Format.fprintf fmt "%i (imported)" x
    | (x, `Local) -> Format.fprintf fmt "%i (local)" x
  { not_found =
      (fun context prefix ->
           "[Warning] Could not find any data within the subtree at %a%a.@."
           pp_path prefix pp_context context);
    shadow =
      (fun context path x y ->
           "[Warning] Data %a assigned at %a was shadowed by data %a%a.@."
           pp_item x
           pp_path path
           pp_item y
           pp_context context;
    hook =
      (fun context prefix hook input ->
         match hook with
         | Print ->
           Format.printf "@[<v 2>[Info] Got the following bindings at %a%a:@;"
             pp_path prefix pp_context context;
             (fun path x ->
                Format.printf "%a => %a@;" pp_path path pp_item x)
           Format.printf "@]@.";

(* Mute the [shadow] effects. *)
let silence_shadow f = S.try_with f {S.perform with shadow = fun _ _ _ y -> y}

(* The interpreter *)
let rec interpret_decl : decl -> unit =
  | Decl (p, x) ->
    S.include_singleton ~context_visible:`Visible ~context_export:`Export (p, (x, `Local))
  | ShadowingDecl (p, x) ->
    silence_shadow @@ fun () ->
    S.include_singleton (p, (x, `Local))
  | Import (t, m) ->
    let t = S.modify m (Trie.Untagged.tag `Imported t) in
    S.import_subtree ([], t)
  | PrintVisible ->
    S.modify_visible (Language.hook Print)
  | Export p ->
    S.export_visible (Language.only p)
  | Section (p, sec) ->
    S.section p @@ fun () -> List.iter interpret_decl sec

let interpret (prog : program) = (fun () -> List.iter interpret_decl prog) handler

Rosetta of Imports

This section shows how mechanisms in other languages can be implemented using this package. We use Haskell and Racket as examples.


  • Haskell syntax:

    import Mod -- x is available an both x and Mod.x

    Corresponding Yuujinchou modifier:

    Language.(union [any; renaming [] ["Mod"]])
  • Haskell syntax:

    import Mod (x,y)

    Corresponding Yuujinchou modifier:

    Language.(union [only ["x"]; only ["y"]])
  • Haskell syntax:

    import qualified Mod

    Corresponding Yuujinchou modifier:

    Language.(renaming [] ["Mod"])
  • Haskell syntax:

    import qualified Mod hiding (x,y)

    Corresponding Yuujinchou modifier:

    Language.(seq [except ["x"]; except ["y"]; renaming [] ["Mod"]])


  • Racket syntax:

    (require (only-in ... id0 [old-id1 new-id1]))

    Corresponding Yuujinchou modifier:

    Language.(seq [...; union [only ["id0"]; seq [only ["old-id1"]; renaming ["old-id1"] ["new-id1"]]]])
  • Racket syntax:

    (require (except-in ... id0 id1]))

    Corresponding Yuujinchou modifier:

    Language.(seq [...; except ["id0"]; except ["id1"]])
  • Racket syntax:

    (require (prefix-in p: ...))

    Corresponding Yuujinchou modifier:

    Language.(seq [...; renaming [] ["p"]])

    Note: Racket does not support hierarchical names, so the prefixing operator in Racket is directly prepending the prefix to the affected names.

  • Racket syntax:

    (require (rename-in ... [old-id0 new-id0] [old-id1 new-id1]))

    Corresponding Yuujinchou modifier:

    Language.(seq [...; renaming ["old-id0"] ["new-id0"]; renaming ["old-id1"] ["new-id1"]])
  • Racket syntax:

    (require (combine-in require-spec0 require-spec1 ...))

    Corresponding Yuujinchou modifier:

    Language.(union [require-spec0; require-spec1; ...])

API Reference

The top-level module is Yuujinchou.


You need a OCaml >= 5.0. The package is available in the OPAM repository:

opam install yuujinchou

You could also pin the latest version in development:

opam pin

What is "Yuujinchou"?

"Yuujinchou" is the transliteration of "友人帳" in Japanese, which literally means "book of friends". It is a powerful notebook in the manga Natsume Yuujinchou (夏目友人帳) that collects many real names (真名) of youkais (妖怪) (supernatural and spiritual monsters). These real names can be used to summon and control youkais, but the protagonist decided to return the names to their original owners. The plot is about meeting all kinds of youkais.

This magical book will automatically turn to the page with the correct name when the protagonist pictures the youkai in his mind. This package is also about finding real names of youkais.

Notes on the transliteration: "Yuujinchou" is in the Wāpuro style so that it uses only the English alphabet; otherwise, its Hepburn romanization would be "Yūjin-chō".


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