package zelus

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val find : string -> Global.value_desc
val check_type_of_main_node : string -> Global.value_desc -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> Lident.qualident * Deftypes.kind
val check_unit_unit : string -> Global.value_desc -> Lident.qualident * Deftypes.kind
val check_unit_bool : string -> Global.value_desc -> Lident.qualident * Deftypes.kind
val is_unit : Deftypes.typ -> bool
val allowed_types : string list
val unit_id : string
val check_simple_ty : Deftypes.typ -> unit
val flatten : Deftypes.typ -> string list
val flatten_patt : Zelus.pattern -> string list
val print_string_of_ty : Format.formatter -> string -> unit
val print_ty_of_string : Format.formatter -> string -> unit
val type_size : Deftypes.typ -> int
val format_names : string array -> Deftypes.typ -> string
val emit_open : Format.formatter -> string list -> unit
val emit_discrete_main : Deftypes.kind -> Format.formatter -> string -> unit
val emit_simulation_code : Format.formatter -> Deftypes.kind -> unit
val emit_checked_code : Format.formatter -> Deftypes.kind -> int -> unit
val emit_gtkmain_code : Format.formatter -> Deftypes.kind -> float -> unit
val emit_periodic_code : Format.formatter -> Deftypes.kind -> float -> unit
val main : string option -> string -> float -> int -> bool -> unit

The main entry function. Simulation of a main function


Innovation. Community. Security.